Good People Everywhere

Well hello there Friday! I survived the work week with the Husband gone and a kind of busted back. Hats off to single parents everywhere! I bow down to you because it is not easy and I don't know how you guys do it! I know how lucky I was to have our wonderful nanny this week because without her... no...just no. The Husband got back about an hour ago and I thought he wouldn't be getting in until about 8. I realized that I hadn't warned him that I had changed up the bedroom while he was gone. I decided the best offensive move was to jump and down and say "surprise" when he walked in... without a bra. He was happy with the change but he also said "What did you do to your hair?" and I realized I didn't tell him about my at-home highlight session. And then he said "Why are you a different colour?" and I also didn't mention my ambitious self tanning, either. Oh well, new bedroom, new wife. The best thing is that the Kid, when he saw the Husband, got off the sofa and came over to him and put his arms up to be picked up. The Husband and I melted because it is very very rare for the Kid to grace us with his full attention.

Tonight will be another night in. Last night I was supposed to go to a birthday party but the Nanny couldn't stay past 6:30. I was bummed but I made the most of it bygiving myself highlights and starting on my fake tan. The hair turned out alright and the tan isn't too bad. When I came into work, Office Twin said "Ok, something's different.... eyebrows? No... that's not it... Hair! Yes! And a tan!" and he was incredibly proud of himself for noticing.

Tomorrow will be a busy Saturday. I am meeting some friends I haven't seen for years at Pure Living Bakery. And then in the evening I am meeting an ABA therapist and then after I am meeting a friend for dinner at Cantinetta La Norma. It will be nice to go out because it has been a week since I was out... and I think I am over that hangover... finally. Yesterday was also a little wild. In the morning the Kid had therapy and we caught the ever awesome 13A to head to the session. We met our awesome psychology student at the entrance and made our way up the  many many altbau steps. The session went really well and it is pretty amazing to see how he has developed in the past year. After the session, we caught the bus again and since we use his stroller, I parked it in the appropriate spot on the bus. A stop later, a woman with her toddler and baby and SUV stroller parked beside us but at an odd angle. I was enjoying listen to the little girl talking but at one point the mother asked me something. I assumed she wanted me to press the stop button that lowers the bus for strollers so I did. And then she said "No, my daughter wants to press it." and I looked at her and then looked at the other button that was blocked by her Death Star of a stroller. Of course I was supposed to move the Kid to let her daughter press the other button. I was too shocked to say anything so I awkwardly shuffled and narrowly avoided being disemboweled by her Cadillac carriage. Listen, I am all for kids getting to press buttons and what-not... but not on account of me making my kid move...I wish I could have pointed out that the other button was available but it was not to be. But next time, NO!

After dropping the Kid off at daycare, I headed to work and well, worked... and then at 1, I jumped in a cab and headed to my last session of start-up/finance coaching. I was excited to show off my new Power Point presentation about the Beacon Beach House. It was well-received by my coach and he seemed really excited about the whole thing. He even offered to help me out in his free time. I guess I looked shocked and he said "Consider this a contribution/donation to your organization." I could have cried right then and there. I am constantly shocked by the selflessness of people and the support I receive. I understand my motivation because we are personally affected by autism but someone who isn't? Touching! Of course I am also frustrated with people. In one case, one person was affected by autism but when things got better with their child, they dropped the cause and that's not cool, man. Even if the Kid were to wake up the next day, completely "normal" (hate that term), I would not stop because I know what it is like to be a parent in this situation. I have been ignored and marginalized and dumped. But just because my child would no longer require the same care, that would just make me want to keep reaching out to other parents because been there, bought the t-shirt. End rant. So to sum up, when someone who has never been affected by autism, reaches out to help, I am blown away.

After our great session, I called a cab and headed back to work. My taxi driver took the wrong route and a vein almost popped out of my forehead. But I made it... and even tipped because I am an idiot who hates confrontation. I worked a few more hours and headed home to dye the crap out of my already dyed hair. Today I met a Facebook friend for the first time. It is always funny to meet someone you don't know but kind of do. She is a photographer and is offering to take some head shots for me and also suggested a collaboration which I am extremely excited about... and means that I should probably just give up bread. Again, awesome and kind people, everywhere! It's time for me to pay attention to my family. When the Kid goes to bed I am going to attempt yoga. It's been almost a week since I have done yoga and my back is still not great so I will take it easy but maybe the stretching will help. Have a fabulous Friday night! I will sleep easy tonight knowing that things are progressing with the Beacon Beach House. And I am pretty sure that people who don't like it will call it the Bitch House but that's O.K., you can't make everybody like you. Oh but how I try. Nighty night!


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