Shit Just Got Real

Excuse the swear word in the title. I cannot believe that Christmas Eve is in 2 sleeps. I am kind of missing the holiday spirit this year and it is bugging me. I need to up my movie watching, eat some more junk food and wrap stuff. It has been such a busy time that I don't think I really have had a lot of time to sit and let all the holiday feels hit me. But now that big scary important meeting is over, it is time for me to relax for a couple of days and get some last minute shopping done.

Yesterday was a bit of a busy day. The Kid slept in past 7 which is a rare rare thing. I guess I didn't give him enough time to really wake up because when we walked out of the apartment, he was pissed. In the park he took off running which is the first time in a couple of years and ergo I did not wear a bra for the 2 minute walk. I was not expecting running. DAMMIT! GET BACK HERE! At least he ran screaming to his kindergarten instead of into the road. Rebel, kind of. I dropped him off and he crawled into the lap of the provider and gave me a look like "Yeah, punked!" and I kissed him good bye with gritted teeth and headed back home.

I spent the morning in pj's, writing and cleaning up. And then at 11:30, headed to the bus. I had planned to stop by The House of Canada to pick up something and then head to Miznon for a lunch date. My lunch date cancelled so I ended up having lunch with my friend from The House of Canada. I ordered a cheeseburger because in the New Year I am doing a vegan challenge so I might as well consume all the animal products NOW! After lunch, I headed to the Wirtschaft Agentur for my big scary meeting. I had some time to kill so I stopped at a cafe for a melange and tried not to vomit. Just before 3, I called my appointment contact and she met me downstairs. We entered the building which I couldn't help but admire. It is a little crazy; late 1800's building with 1990's elements. She pointed to a pod like room and we took our seats. I launched into my idea for the autism center and she listened. She then said after my 2 minute monologue that I should also think about registering as a Verein (club) in terms of tax breaks. If I decided to go the business route, she would be happy to provide information. She said that my core idea was great and that a side business would also help to which I responded with "Like prostitution?" DAMMIT TOVA! SHUT UP! I just can't help it sometimes. Thank God she laughed. Later in the meeting I even made a joke that The Kid could be employed to make Gucci wallets and I mimicked "little hands." Ugh, you can't take me anywhere. The woman was great, though! She provided a lot of suggestions; different ways to register, tax brackets, real estate options. It was all overwhelming but incredible. I took notes with my crystal pen and bright pink notebook.

The hour flew by and she gave me a couple of tasks to do over the next couple of weeks. One, I have to make a concrete business plan. With crayons and glitter? And two, I need to check out a start up that has a similar concept but in a different field. I will be checking that out today so wish me luck I don't do or say something stupid. Magic 8 Ball says: It is decidedly so. After my meeting, I walked out feeling a mixture of elation and nausea.

After my Mary Tyler Moore throw my hat in the air moment, I walked to the cocktail bar to celebrate with three friendses. I was amazed that all 4 of us could make it but with each cocktail costing 5.40, we were motivated to make it work. I ordered a Cosmo because it is pink. The others arrived soon after and we talked and laughed and ordered more cocktails. I ordered a Roasted Chestnut drink at one point and it was AMAZING. And then I went back to my Cosmo because I didn't want to seem ungrateful to my favourite drink.

I stayed for a couple of hours and then headed home to make some dinner and partially watch Home Alone 2 where I was kind of ranty about on Facebook. Still love that film though. Total bucket list; staying at the Plaza in New York, booking a limo and ordering a cheese pizza. It is going to happen. So the Kid is now at daycare, I'm back in pj's. I am going to have a relaxing morning watching TV and then around midday, head out for a lunch date. The afternoon will be spent checking out the start up and doing some shopping. All in all, a pretty awesome day. I just wanted to also say thank you for all of your support and gird your loins for the craziness in the months ahead! Happy Tuesday!


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