Dear Santa

Every year I make a wish list of what I want for Christmas. Do I get most things on my list? Not really, but the Husband usually does a pretty awesome job of catering to my obnoxious wants (will not mention the Christmas of 2005 when I received an electric toy boat and no, "We can drive toy boats together! It will be romantic" does not lessen the sting). Last year I got so many wonderful gifts and it truly was a very Merry Christmas. 2014 had been a really terrible year so I needed (wanted) all the stuff. This year I am not actually asking the Husband for much because next year will be all about trying to get the Autism center off the ground and we need to watch our monies. So I am actually not sending my normal obnoxious list to the Husband this year... well, ok, maybe a couple of things. But I am, gasp, actually asking for practical things; like a new phone... because my current phone is almost 4 years old which in human years is like that mummy Ötzi guy they found in the alps years ago. And maybe a new diary so I can write my lists. I adore my lists. I get great satisfaction from ticking off the boxes on my lists. Lists are everything! So this is my fun Christmas fantasy letter to Santa, because why not?

Dear Santa,
I've been (mostly) a good girl this year. So this is the shit I want, yo:
Elephant necklace from New One. Now, New One is one of my favourite super affordable jewelry places in Vienna. Can't afford Chopard (yet) so New One is perfect for tiding me over. I spied this elephant necklace the other day and I WANT IT! Elephants are special to me because ever since the Kid was a baby, I always believed he embodied an elephant spirit. And I think our downstairs neighbour would concur. So anytime I spy any jewelry with an elephant on it, I covet it. Actually, this necklace is pretty affordable, maybe I will put this on the list for the Husband.

A pair of winter boots. I need a pair of winter boots. Good ones. These are Burberry. I want them. But I also want a big furry pair of water proof winter boots. Fake fur because I don't buy real fur. I said that to Office Twin a couple of months ago and he exclaimed "You do have a soul!" Jerk.

Chanel anything! I admit it, I am a big fan... even though I think Lagerfeld might be trolling us sometimes, the classics are..well... classics. #chanelforever #need5morejobstobuyawallet #cocoyoutemptress

A weekend in a chalet with a fire and a baby ski hill and easy lift and nobody watching me continuously fall on my ass. And awesome apres ski parties! I haven't been skiing since I was 17 and that makes me sad. The Husband grew up in Africa so he never really skied. I loved to ski and my mom and I used to go to Mont Tremblant on the weekends when we lived in Ottawa. We also took some family ski trips in Germany, Austria and Slovakia when I was a kid and I have such fond memories of that.. Except one place: I learned how to ski in Bad Gastein when I was about 5. I got stuck in a tree on the last day and had to wait a good 30 minutes until I was pried out. We all got little pins at the end of our 3 day course and I was just learning how to read at that point. The little pin read "Bad Gastein" which I read as "Bad skier" I hid that pin in shame. So, yeah, anyway, I pretty much want a weekend trip modeled after a terrible Austrian Heimat film. But without the singing. But totally with turtlenecks.

An invitation to the Opernball. Now, I have been to a lot of balls and I am so so lucky to have had all the chances I have had to feel like a tipsy princess so many times. I have attended the IAEA ball about 6 times, this summer I went to the Concordia ball and just recently the Marine Ball. Also, in January, I get to attend the Vienna Ball of Sciences and that is super exciting! I cannot wait! But I also have always had the Opernball on my bucket list. When I was about 14, my mother took me to the dress rehearsal of the Opernball opening and it was magical. We sat in one of the loggias and I kept imaging what it must look like with people waltzing, wearing diamonds and dresses that cost more than a decent car. So since this is my fantasy Christmas list, I'm asking Santa for an invite to the Opernball.

So yes, I am terribly materialistic and above is my fun fantasy letter to Santa. But to be completely honest, my real letter would read like this:

Dear Santa,

All I really want for Christmas is to hear my son say "Mommy" again. 

Yours truly,


P.S. If there isn't at least one small present from you Christmas morning, I'll cut you.


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