A Short Post

Happy First Night of Hanukkah everybody! I lit the candles, said the prayer (I don't speak Hebrew but can at least do the prayer. It's tough when you have a name like Tova and you meet somebody Jewish and they are like "Tova, eh?" and their eyes light up and I have to be like "No! I'm a bad Jew! Very bad Jew!" and I hide my pack of bacon behind my back, cough)  and having an English muffin for dinner. Tradition!

It is Sunday night and I am ready to chill completely out. I just got a work out in (Third day in a row! Woot!) and I feel great. I wanted to go spinning on Saturday but I still have a terrible cough leftover from being sick a couple of weeks ago. I didn't want to hack in the back in a room full of people so mini stepper it was. I am also catching up on my episodes of Ladies of London while I work out. Best.show.ever.

This will be a short post because I need to get ready for another week of work. Two more weeks of work and then I have a full 2 weeks off! Huzzah! Hurray! I would like to say that I will just veg and watch TV and stuff but we all know that is a lie. This weekend has been busy but not wild. Friday afternoon I got my hair did and then headed home for a quiet night. Saturday morning I got some Christmas shopping done and then in the afternoon headed to a lovely baby shower. Saturday night I finished watching Christmas Under Wraps and I feel like I need to read something intellectual to stop the dumbening. What.a.terrible.movie. Ugh. Unclean.

Sunday morning the Kid woke me up at 6 and I went and turned on the Christmas tree in the living room and then headed back to bed. When the bedroom door is open, you can see the tree from the bed and the Kid likes to snuggle and look at it. I too like to snuggle and look at it. Totally related, we are. Around 11:30 I headed to Parkring to a new place called Nikolay for a birthday brunch. I could only stay for a little bit because I was a bit of a nervous wreck because at 3 was the very first Autism in Vienna workshop. I knew that the presentation was going to be amazing but I had no idea if everybody would show up. I planned to cover the room cost but I needed people to come to help cover the cost of the course. At 2:30 I headed to the co-working sharing space Cocoquadrat. We had a bit of a situation trying to get the presentation set up but the guy there was absolutely lovely and even lent us his MacBook for the session. I probably shouldn't have looked at all that porn. Ha. Ha. I have to say that it was an absolutely fascinating workshop and I learned a lot more than I thought I had already learned. English, not so good tonight, folks. I feel like the group liked it as well and I am so looking forward to setting up another one in the future. The therapist who gave the presentation covered so much in the 2 hours and I have to mention the awesome job she did! There were unfortunately some no shows but otherwise it was a nice and solid turn out! I definitely learned a lot from the workshop as well as what I will do differently next time. If you are interested in getting the monthly newsletter starting in January, drop me a line at tmspatz@gmail.com to be put on the e-mail mailing list.

This week promises to be a fun one. Monday evening I am having a friend over for dinner and some wine. Tuesday afternoon I am taking one of my dearest friends to the Ritz Carlton for high tea for her birthday. Afterwards we will head up to the roof for some gluehwein. Wednesday I have to work later and then Thursday and Friday I will be baking for the champagne ladies night I am hosting on Saturday. Do you know how I feel about baking most of the time? Hate it!

But at Christmas it seems different.. like something one ought to do... I still don't measure the ingredients because I like to live dangerously. What I also need to do finally is to get my Christmas letters out this week. I am really behind which makes me twitchy. Speaking of Christmas, my parents generously sent me a gift certificate to the shop New One the other day (remember when I wrote my Dear Santa letter? Yeah, one thing came true! Yaay!). I went to the online shop and went a little nutso and then instead of implementing the gift certificate code, I went straight to PayPal and bought this stuff on my own dime because I was on a shopping high and completely forgot the step that says "Add gift certificate number" GAH! So I guess I will buying myself some more New One stuff in the next few days. Things could be worse. #spoiledbratproblems. I hope to be able to write more in the next couple of days! I cut this short because I have a facetime date coming up with a friend currently in New Jersey. Yaay! I love technology! Happy Sunday night!


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