A Press Conference, a New Restaurant and Cocktails

My life is a mishmash of randomness. I am constantly surprised by the things that happen to me. And this year has been a year of awesomeness. I have experienced things that I never would have imagined. Oh, that's not quite true... in my fantasy interviews with Oprah, some of these things have happened. Having a bad day? Imagine yourself being interviewed by Oprah and I guarantee that you will feel better. Or maybe you will wonder about your sanity. I have met a lot of wonderful people this year and I feel like I have been able to explore new ideas and situations. I'm still a bit of an embarrassment at parties with important people. DON'T TRY TO CHANGE ME!

Yesterday was another one those #mylifeislikewhatrightnow and #surreal mixed in with I LOVE THIS CITY! It's been a busy week and a half at work and tomorrow promises to be a hot mess of stress, but afterwards I am going spinning with a friend so I hope that sweats out all the angst. And then after Friday, my holiday STARTS! HURRAH! As I wrote the other day, I took my first small step towards setting up the Autism in Vienna center. I contacted an agency that provides a consultation session. Today I received an e-mail confirming a meeting for Monday. I am super excited and super nervous so I will have to spend the weekend working on a rough draft of a business plan. BIG STEP!

A couple of days ago I got an invite to a press conference for the Vienna Ball of Sciences that I am helping out with. How I am helping, I am not sure, but I'll just go with it. I was asked to live tweet and I said "Sure!" and I was pretty excited to be in the same room as the mayor of Vienna. The press conference was in the main building of the university and just before lunch, I headed out into the foggy weather. I showed up at the beautiful building and walked up the steps with my big bag carrying my laptop and I felt very Ali MacGraw in Love Story.

I was just on time and I took a minute to take in the beautiful frescoes and the courtyard. Vienna can do buildings well. I had looked up where the main library was so I felt confident that I could find my way. Again, I fooled myself. I have no sense of direction.at.all. I walked up marble steps and saw a sign for "Festsaal" and assumed (idiotically assumed) that this is where the press conference would be. I walked in and looked around for a familiar face. Yeah. I crashed a graduation ceremony. I backed out slowly and texted the ball organizer "I'm lost. Of course." Probably exactly the type of text he wants to get from me just before the TV cameras and mayor show up. He texted me back "University library." so I stopped and asked a student and was told I was in the wrong wing. THERE ARE WINGS? THIS PLACE WAS HUGE! I followed the signs to library and ran in. I was asked to sign in and was asked to write down the media company I was representing. This is when my mind went blank and any German I had disappeared. I stared at the page for at least 30 seconds trying to think. Think, Tova, THINK! I said to the woman "I'm here to tweet." and she looked at me and then I looked at the page and I then wrote "Twitter" as the place I was representing because I am an idiot.

I walked into the gorgeous library and said hello to my friend and then grabbed a seat. It truly is a spectacular place and it makes me want to study again. Well, maybe. I'm not exactly the most learned and definitely not an academic but the thought is nice... for a hot minute. Anyway, I booted up my laptop and took a couple of pictures. The mayor walked in and I took some pictures and I wanted to act cool about it and not at all amazed that I was actually at a press conference.

The press conference started and I tweeted a few things and then at one point, a TV camera turned and focused on me. I don't know why. I was wearing a high necked dress. For a good minute the camera was just a couple of feet away and I really really struggled with it. Should I look up and acknowledge the camera because I kind of feel like I am rude ignoring the guy behind it. Or should I be actively trying to hide my horrible double chin? Do I shrug or smile? I DON'T KNOW! THIS IS ALL NEW TO ME!

The Vienna Ball of Sciences is going to be awesome guys! There is going to be a recreated meteorite show, a disco with a projection of the newly renovated Virgilkappelle, a 3D printer making bow ties (if it can make me a strapless bra that doesn't destroy me, I'll be buying one) and well, a bug buffet. Check out the Vienna Ball of Sciences for details on that because blech. After the short press conference, I had to run back to work. The rest of the day was a busy day at work. A friend and I gave ourselves the diabetes with Quality Street chocolates as we read a document. We were a hot mess after consuming close to a pound of the stuff. Then I headed out into the cold and met my friend D.K. for a quick drink and a quick catch up. We hadn't seen each other since Friday so we needed a quick drink to make sure all was right in the world. After a glass of bubbly, I made my way over to Miznon (the new Israeli restaurant I was pm'ing with about matzoh ball soup. One friend pointed out that the person on the other end was flirting with me. I laughed and I laughed. The last time anybody flirted with me was back when Bush jr. was president. For reals.) to meet my friend C.W. I walked in and well, I was overwhelmed. The woman at the front passed me a menu; hand written and on a paper bag. I took a seat and texted my friend and wrote "I got a seat and I have no idea what is happening." The place is very hip and there were at least 6 very attractive Israeli men in the open plan kitchen. The music is LOUD and there are industrial style lamps hanging from the ceiling. C.W. showed up just when I had sent the text and she too noted the very loud music. We looked at the menu and weren't sure what to order. We were instructed to order our food at the bar so we stood up and headed over to the very attractive men (none flirted with me, trust me). One guy asked me if I needed suggestions on what to order and I said "Yes. How is the egg pita?" and he answered "I actually don't know. I am not a vegetarian." And I looked at him blankly for a second. And then I said "Um. Ok, how is the pita burger?" He clutched his chest and rolled his eyes and I wondered for a second if I had offended him. "IT IS WONDERFUL!" he exclaimed. Great... dinner and a show. C.W. ordered the minced lamb pita and roasted head of cauliflower and I ordered the pita burger. We each took a beer from the fridge, as well. When you place your order, they ask for your name and when I realized this, I went into a bit of a panic. Just last week I mentioned that having a name like "Tova" will always lead to a conversation and when you are in an Israeli restaurant...well... I'm going to have to end up quickly blurting "But I don't speak Hebrew!" C.W. whispered in my ear when I ordered "Say your name is Jennifer!" but it was too late.

We sat back down and waited for our names to be called. This was especially fun considering the music was deafening. We kept standing up to see if they were looking for us. Finally C.W. heard her name and grabbed her food. A minute later I stood up and heard "TOVA! TOVA!" yelled out and I had flashbacks to my childhood. So here is the thing... the food is OUT OF THIS WORLD! INCREDIBLE! The roasted cauliflower was also amazing. I am kind of in love with this place. It's definitely something new for Vienna and I think it is the perfect place for a quick meal of incredible food and I am so looking forward to going back... as Jennifer.

After dinner, we decided to go for a drink and we made our way to the Bermuda dreieck; Vienna's bar district. As we walked by a stationary store I said "Oh, this is where my mom gets her bridge cards monogrammed." and C.W. looked at me and said "The things that come out of your mouth..." I literally thought this was a normal thing to have in your house; monogrammed bridge cards. Yes? I guess not. We stood in the Bermuda Dreieck and I suggested we try out Ron Con Soda which is one of my favourite cocktail bars. The Husband and I used to go there a lot and when I was a teenager, this was a hang out as well. When we walked in, the owner greeted me warmly and exclaimed how long it had been. It's true. I feel bad. We ordered drinks and at one point looked up at the TV and the press conference I had been at earlier was on and it was very surreal! We had a couple of cocktails and talked and then it was time to head home. Such an awesome day! I truly feel lucky to be able to do all the things I get to do. Now it is time for me to head to bed and prepare myself for a crazy workday. Sleep tight, y'all!


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