Getting Sugar Shock and Dis and Dat

Happy Wednesday evening! It has been madness and chaos and I am absolutely exhausted. I was going to do another work out on my mini stepper tonight. Getting a little too hooked I think. I'll let you know when I  end up pulling a hamstring and then having a breakdown... on Facebook. But instead, tonight, I decided I have some toast and put on flannel pyjamas. Always keeping you guys guessing!

I had to work later tonight and then I stopped for a couple of spritzers for a friend's birthday. But now I am ready to chill and head to bed soon to read my Kindle and get a good night's sleep. In other news, I am super excited because I finally have a name figured out for the future autism center. I wanted something that had meaning, sounded decent in German and English and didn't use the Kid's first name or his last name. I went with a made up acronym and I am not going to give it away yet.. because, the last thing I need is a rabid debate on the name when it isn't official yet. I remember when we had chosen a name for the Kid before he was born and somebody spilled the beans on Facebook and then it became a debate and since I was pregnant and obviously completely hormonal, I almost went Godzilla on everybody.

So the name is a secret for now. But soon all of my dear friends will be getting T-shirts and coasters with the name plastered over them for the next 10 years.. brace yourselves. Heh. In a few days I am having some ladies over for a Christmas Champagne night. I am pretty stoked and I still have not found an outfit to wear. I want to go sparkly but I fear I might end up looking like an extra from the show The Nanny.

I am making lots of appetizers and treats and a couple of different types cocktails and of course serving bubbly. I cannot wait! The Kid and the Husband will not be there so there will be a whole lot of awesome estrogen, hopefully some random singing and of course, braying laughter... mainly from me. I have about a week and a half of work left before I have 2 whole weeks off. It will be an insane week and a half but maybe that is good so that once my holiday starts, I will be ready to keel over. I am also incredibly behind on my Christmas letters so apologies for that! But I should be sending them out soon and that means you still have time to send me your addresses. I also have a ton of Christmas films to watch before Christmas eve: Elf, Scrooged, Jingle All the Way (don't judge me), The Family Stone, National Lampoons Christmas Vacation... The other day Santa Clause 2 was on and I just about lost it at the teacher party when he gives out gifts that the staff had wanted as little kids. I'm always extra emotional around this time of year. And I think this year is even harder because my parents are back in Canada and not in Berlin.

Anyway, in other news, yesterday, I almost got the diabetes. I took my friend out for her birthday to the Ritz Carlton for high tea. I was lucky enough to try it for the first time back in October thanks to friends and I was super excited to go back. I obviously have gold fish-like memory because I forgot how much FOOD there is and HOW MUCH SUGAR THERE IS! I arrived at 4 and was warmly greeted by the manager of the MeLounge. I admit it, I got a total kick from being recognized from last time: probably less to do with the fact that I am charming and more that I made a reservation under my very ethnic name. Let me have this moment! My friend D.K. showed up shortly afterwards and the lovely manager explained the service and for an extra 6 euros each, we could get a glass of champagne. SOLD! We started with the jasmine infused cosmo and then the tea box was brought out. You get a selection of 16 teas to choose from and we attacked the little tin boxes, smelling each one. Of course the birthday girl (her excuse is that she is left handed. Snort.) popped the top off of one and it went flying. I ended up on my hands and knees at the Ritz Carlton to find the blasted thing. I of course teased her and then slammed my hand down on the table which led to my spoon becoming airborne. Check.mate. Our food arriced and we ate and ate and then I felt like I needed to lie down or order a tapeworm from the Internet.

After giving ourselves diabetes, we waddled to the D-bar in the hotel and ordered spritzers. It was touch and go for a little while, while I digested. We then headed up to the roof to check out the small Christmas market I had heard about. And it was SPECTACULAR! The roof overlooks all of Vienna and the first thing we could see was the skating rink behind the Intercontinental Hotel. It was MAGICAL! We ordered Hot Toddies and we stood on the other side of the terrace which had a spectacular view of Stephansdom. I was blown away! And I can't wait to go back in the summer... but someone will have to treat me because I imagine I won't have a disposable income then. After our drinks, we decided to "keep it real" after all the decadence and headed to Flanagans for a spritzer before calling it a night. It was definitely another magical Vienna night and it just makes me so incredibly grateful to live in this incredible city. Well, my body isn't so grateful after all that food yesterday. Thank God I didn't have any blood tests scheduled for today... I would have bled syrup.

I have so much more to write about, but it's time for me to crawl into bed and read something by Jackie Collins because my brain is fried. I wish you all a fantastic night! Nighty night!


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