The Week Ahead

Monday night, it is rainy, it is cozy and I still love Fall. Even though I am schwitzing. I want to wish you all a Happy Jewish New Year! Appletinis for everybody! I met a friend earlier for a quick drink. The wine totally had apple tones. This week ahead is a mixture of fun and work! Walk with me.

Tuesday: Tomorrow is a big deal appointment in the morning. The Husband and I have set up a meeting between the Kid's ABA therapist and another therapist we met recently. This meeting is costing us a fortune but the idea is that the 4 of us can come up with a therapy plan for the next few months. It is daunting but we have to do it. We have 2 years until regular school and I am determined that we will get him speaking by then. Think it and make it so. I am tenacious and I don't give up so I will do this. Well, the Kid will do this, but it will be a struggle. My ultimate dream would be to be able to work from home (and make enough money) so that I can spend more time with the Kid. This is what I am working towards and I will not give up. Watch this space. Rah rah! DETERMINATION! Then I will head to work and then in the afternoon I have a meeting in regards to another little project that I am starting and then in the evening I am meeting a friend at a place in my hood.

Wednesday: I have to finally pick up my Austrian visa. I went this morning but the line was too long and I ended up giving up, so hopefully I will have more luck on Wednesday. I also have to work later and then I might be meeting friends for dinner.

Thursday: I hope to get a spinning class in and then the Husband is going out so I will have some alone time which means I will most likely watch something Halloweeny. Speaking of which, I need to start all my scary movie watching. I have already watched Practical Magic this year (I love this film and watch it every.single.fall) And soon I will have a blog post about all the films I watch to get in the mood for all Hallow's Eve. 

Friday: I will bring the Kid to therapy, then to kindergarten and then head to work. And then in the afternoon I will finally be seeing my pictures from the photoshoot I did the other month. I am ridiculously nervous because I literally hate seeing pictures of myself but I am kind of excited too. After the self-loathing, I will set the table because friends are coming by for a simple dinner and for, of course, wine. 

Saturday: In the morning I will have yet another spin class and then the Husband will take the Kid to the In Laws for the night. We are taking full advantage of them being in town and most likely we will spend Saturday vacuuming, catching a film, going out for dinner and then passing out at 8. We need our sleep. 

It will be yet another busy week but as most of you know, I live for busy! Stay tuned for more irreverent Fall bucket list pictures and a recap of a Halloweeny film! Happy Monday!


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