New Therapist, New Projects and Random Thoughts

Apologies for not writing a post yesterday. After spinning, I went home and decided that eating English muffins was all that was happening last night. It has been a crazy week so far and on Wednesday, one friend said "Your life exhausts me." I get that a lot. Another friend recently had thought she would try to live one week like me as an experiment but decided against it. All I could think was "Two Tovas!?!?! All the stuff I could get done!!"
Two Tovas? Triple the fun!
It is true, I am incredibly busy but for me, it is a good thing. Wednesday I had 3 meetings which was probably pretty excessive and by the time I got back home, I was monosyllabic. But they were all good meetings with interesting outcomes and I do very much look forward to the next few months. On Wednesday morning we had our therapist summit. Our original therapist for the Kid, who we adore, was able to come out to our district to meet another therapist that we are additionally hiring. I was a little stressed because I didn't want our original therapist to feel slighted. I wanted to be like "We love you very much. The new addition of a therapist does not mean we love you any less."

Of course she is a professional and I shouldn't have been worried, but that is what I do best, worry. The meeting went really really well. It was decided that on Tuesdays at 7:30 a.m., the Kid will have a session at the new therapists' and we will continue with our Friday sessions with our original therapist. What was a bit of a relief was to hear our original therapist voice that she sees a lot of potential with the Kid and that she is still having a hard time classifying him and with that I agree. He doesn't tick a large amount of the autism boxes which in a way can be a bit more of a challenge. At least we can see that he is definitely benefiting from ABA therapy. His speech, or lack of, is the thing that sends me into stress spasms and I keep dreaming of the day that he will finally "talk". Most likely his first sentence will be "For the love of God, shut your trap, woman! I don't care what Kendall Jenner did to her face!" Heh. So we keep trucking, keep working and keep being positive because this will be a battle but we will get through it. By the way, if you are in Vienna, or even Austria, and you have a child with autism, don't hesitate to drop me a line. Sometimes you just need an outlet with somebody who is going through the same thing. I might end up talking mostly about me, but at least that is interesting, right? I jest. I will listen. I will set an egg timer, though. Again, I am joking. Vent away.

Off topic: Ten bucks that there is going to be a Giudice Christmas special when she gets out of prison. And yes, I will watch it. Judge me. Anyway, Wednesday just continued being a success. In the afternoon, I met a lovely woman to talk about a small side project and in the evening I went to dinner with a new friend. We visited Zweitbester which means Second Best which kind of defines my childhood. I was offered an interesting project that I cannot wait to get started on! All will be revealed shortly, unless it is discovered that I am not really as funny as I think I am and then I shall never talk about this again.

So now onto Random Thoughts!

Random thought 1: It is always strange when people tell me they read my blog. I know people do but it always seems so removed from real life. I do get a kick when I meet somebody new and they tell me they read it and that always involves me trying to desperately think about what I have most recently posted and whether this person will judge me. I also find it hilarious when friends start the evening with "I haven't read your blog yet because I want to hear directly from you what is new". I love that my blog might contain "spoilers".

Random thought 2: On Sunday I washed a couple of windows. I learned not do to do this on a windy day. You will pepper spray yourself accidentally with Windex. This is uncomfortable.

Random thought 3: I just bought myself a mini sewing machine. The Husband bought me a real sewing machine about 6 years ago after I watched Project Runway and believed I could Betsy Ross my wardrobe. In the 6 years I have made a couple of ball dresses (don't get excited, they were simple), a couple of skirts and a baby-sized smoking jacket with faux leopard fur. As the Kid got older, I wasn't able to sew as much and since we have moved, I haven't done any sewing. But with this mini sewing machine, I hope that I can have an actual sewing corner that is easy to set up so that when I feel like de-constructing a Talbot's skirt, I will be ready!!

So now I have to go put on my face spackle. I have to head to the authorities this morning on my way to work to pick up my visa. I went on Monday but the line was too long and I am not good in lines. I went on Wednesday and was incredibly smug to see that there was no line. Suckers! I walked up to the second door and then saw it was closed on Wednesdays. This is why there was no line you stupid, smug woman. I was not happy.

So I am trying again today and fingers crossed I will finally get it. Gah! Third time's the charm. I wish you all a fabulous Thursday!


  1. I once found the world's easiest parking space in Cambridge, MA.

    Turns out, it was because it was street cleaning day so you couldn't park there without getting towed.

    That same day, I learned where you pick up your car in Cambridge, MA when it has been towed.


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