Just a Nice Weekend In So Many Ways

Sup sup Sunday night! The Kid is about to go to bed, I am filled up with Indian food and I am ready for the week ahead. It has been a pretty great weekend and we were able to witness a big step in development in regards to the Kid and I got to meet up with awesome people oh and I put on new pillow cases in the living room and I love the newish look!

On Friday, after work, I headed to a friend's place for a couple of drinks. I had written her the day before and was like "So, like, you want to hang out for a couple of hours until I have to head to dinner?" and she said "yes" and I made my way over to her lovely apartment in the third. We had spritzers and talked and I met her adorable dog and it was a great way to start the weekend! At 6 I left and grabbed a taxi (my shoes were killing me) and headed to Cafe Francais. I have walked past this place a dozen times and I was happy to finally try it out. It was busy inside (and it is pretty fabulous inside as well) and I walked up to the manager and asked if there was a reservation under my friend's name. He stopped me and asked if I spoke English which threw me for a loop. He showed me to a table of 6 and asked if I would mind if later he would sit a couple of people at the table. I said "Only nice people, please." and he literally keeled over and guffawed. Am I funny in France? Is this something I have to look into? Could this be my big break? I mean, Jerry Lewis is still big there. Maybe I am super awesome in Paris? I've been to Paris a few times but I didn't really try out my humour there... I'm going in May with a friend so maybe I should start practicing my craft.

My friend showed up as soon as I sat down and we ordered rose, she ordered the moules and frites and I ordered the quiche lorraine and the food was awesome! One of our waiters was a little surly until we got onto our 3rd glass of wine and then of course he found us charming. We finished up our meal, got the bill and decided to find a place for a night cap. Around the corner was a place named Kolin which my friend kept pronouncing as "colon" and that was hilarious so maybe we will both be big in France. We decided to sit outside and enjoy the somewhat warm evening. A waiter came out immediately and took our order and then brought us blankets and I felt like I was in some twilight zone of incredible service and awesome places.

Vienna has great places to eat and sometimes awesome service. But we were going 2 for 2 and it felt a little surreal. We ended up chatting to the awesome waiter. We also ordered a lava cake and then we called it a night. In the morning I was a little tired (delicate) and kind of wished that last night my subconscious would have spoken up and been like "Giiiirl, you got spinning tomorrow. Slow it down, Paris Hilton" I minced to the class and told the teacher that I was feeling a little tired. I also warned her that I would most likely end up smelling like a fermented vineyard. The class flew by, surprisingly, and I felt a million times better. I had a quick shower at home and then the three of us walked down to Karlsplatz. It wasn't the sausage fest (I read the event page wrong) but instead a Busker fest and that was just fine. We went to the small kids playground because less chance of head injuries (helicopter mom). At one point the Husband went to get us some beer and Indian food and of course the Kid took this opportunity to scale the wrap around benches to escape the playground. Some moms develop super human strength when their kids are trapped under cars, I apparently turn into a nimble pre-pubescent Soviet gymnast. I vaulted over those benches with such ease that I am waiting for an Olympic coach to call me up and grabbed the Kid and brought him back. The Husband and I ate and drank and watched the Kid take off his shoes and play in the sand. He came up to us after about 45 minutes and motioned that it was time to leave and we strapped him in his stroller and set off. About 5 minutes into the walk, he had a mini breakdown and I decided to let him walk (holding his hand in a death grip). He was SO GOOOODDD! We walked for 30 minutes and he was amazing. He patiently waited at the lights, he looked into shop windows and he babbled happily the whole time. I literally puffed up in pride. We felt and looked like a normal family and it was EVERYTHING.

So that was literally the awesomest thing to happen. And I still had some poutine to test in the evening. I said goodnight to a wiped kiddo and made my way over to the 8th district or is it the 9th? As I mentioned before, we have been on the hunt for curds for poutine and it has been IMPOSSIBLE! One cheese place was able to get us a sample of curdled cheese and last night we tested it. I arrived just after 6 and my friend's partner was making a batch of margaritas because AWESOME! We chatted and drank and then made the poutine; I was impressed, my friend made double fried fries and homemade gravy! And you know what the cheese did? IT DIDN'T MOTHERLOVING MELT! GAAAAAHHH! But the margaritas and wine eased the blow and the company was great. But now we are back at square one. It was still a lovely evening and I got home around 10:30 and fell into a cheesy and gravy induced sleep. In the morning the Kid woke me up with a kidney kick. I putzed around most of the morning; doing laundry and putting on pillowcases. I bought grey and silver ones to put over the pink pillows. I love pink, and in the living room we have a large Manet poster I mounted to a board and painted the border pink and I still love it, but now, the too much pink has been driving me a little batty. But the silver and grey pillow cases are awesome and I am amazed at what a difference it makes. Yay! It's been a chill day at home and it is everything that I needed in a Sunday. And, I also got to check another box on that ridiculous fall bucket list I mentioned last week.


And here you go, my version of tailgating. I actually enjoy American Football but I don't know if I enjoy discomfort so this is pretty much how I imagine I will tailgate in the future.

Prada fake fur wrap and a martini. Tailgating is awesome!

I wish you all a fabulous Sunday still. I plan to crawl into bed soon and finish up Beautiful Creatures because I am 12... a nimble 12 year old gymnast. Da.


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