Another Amazing Vienna Night

I cannot describe how happy I am that it is no longer 35 Celsius out. I even wore jeans (stretchy) and a light sweater. Oh, all covering clothing, how I missed you so! Today was a long day at work and I was pretty tired after a pretty awesome evening yesterday: it was filled with business visions, spritzers, a birthday girl, lanterns, sushi and sekt... and lots and lots of laughter. It was, once again, one of those amazing Vienna nights.

I left work in the afternoon and made my way to Museum Cafe. It is located near Karlsplatz and while sometimes considered a tourist trap, it successfully comes across as a typical Viennese cafe. I showed up early, as usual, and ordered a spritzer and an espresso. It came like this and as I posted on Facebook; #Viennainapicture.

Silver tray, small glass of water, delicate cup and a large wine glass. Nah servus! And if you look just to the left, you can see a woman sitting there. She was reading The Girl on the Train and I wanted to click through my Kindle, open the link to my copy and increase font size dramatically, hold it up, catch her attention and mimic "Look! Me too! Great book!" but that is the one drawback to the Kindle. She looked enraptured reading it and she kept looking up and blinking, like she couldn't believe what she was reading. That gave me the warms and happiness. And by the way, thanks to a friend's recommendation, I downloaded another Gillian Flynn book; Sharp Objects. HOLY CRAP WAS IT AMAZING! I could not put it down and the whole book was terrifying and amazing and I forgot how much I loved good writing... and maybe that should be a new life goal: write good.

So my friend showed up and we settled in for a very important business think tank brainstorming we are so brilliant why are we not charging people tickets to our show meeting. We covered a lot of ground and I love that we are totally on the same page and that she hasn't yet said "Back off, Warchild"

After 2 hours we were satiated with our brilliance and it was also time for me to hail a cab and head to a birthday party in the 19th. The destination was Dots which is a pricey sushi chain in Vienna. I had never been to the one in the 19th but had been to the one in the 6th and to be honest, I found it overrated. And I have heard a lot of negative things about Dots but I didn't care because I was going to a party. The funny thing is that the Dots in the 19th is on the same street I lived on as a teenager back in the 90s. Boy, did some angsty memories come hurtling back as I stepped out of the cab. I walked into the fancy schmancy place and took in the eclectic decor. I walked into the courtyard and let me just say, I have been to a lot of beautiful restaurants, but this place knocked them off the list. Dots' courtyard is BEAUTIFUL! It is like Charleston meets New England fancy farm meets Pier One lanterns sale meets Martha Stewart weddings. BEAUTIFUL! I joined the group, ordered some sparkling wine and kept announcing "WHEN I GET MARRIED AGAIN..." in a gratingly obnoxious voice. I was high off power after the meeting earlier.
This picture does not even come close to showing how gorgeous this place is.
We ordered food and I chatted to friends and then I heard quite possibly the most amazing new term that was coined by a friend based on another's friend's recent situation. And I am making it my life goal to make it as common as the term "Schadenfreude" and "YOLO". I have visions of myself sitting in a cafe a year from now, hearing a group of women squealing this term. And I will nod sagely, take a sip of my wine, stand up and say "That's copyrighted!" And yes, I did not come up with this term so technically I have no copyright rights over this term because I did not come up with it but it is so brilliant that I am kicking myself for not thinking of it. Damm you stupid past Tova! Damn you! So here it is, wait for it.... FLEDERMAUSING. Now I know you are all sitting there going to Google translate and coming up with "Bat-ing" and you would not be wrong. No, Fledermaus is the German word for bat (as in the animal). And this is the back story explaining exactly what Fledermausing now means. Trademark, witness, notary, stamp stamp.

So let's say my friend G. met a guy and he was all like "I lurve opera. Opera, opera, fancy pants me lurves the opera." and G. wanted to maybe impress this opera-loving guy and so she wrote him and said "So, like, I have two tickets to the Fledermaus next week if you wanted to come..." and then he didn't write back for a long time, like until the show had stopped playing at the Volksoper. The majority of you are like, still don't get it, have you been eating paste again, Tova? Now, the thing is is that Die Fledermaus is a famous Austrian operetta. A lot of people who love opera absolutely despise Die Fledermaus. It's like a corndog to Kobe beef. Now, personally, I like Die Fledermaus because it has a whole lotta of Viennese-isms and there is a ball and there is drunkedness and terrible innuendos so it is just like my life, but when it comes to the cultured crowd, it's no bueno.

So what G. did was offer a corndog to a Kobe beef lover. Still not sure what the Fledermausing term means? Well according to C. who coined it, it pretty much is that moment when someone thinks you are pretty cool and then you say or do something that completely destroys the image they have of you. We have all had those moments. In my case, I have these moments daily. Office Twin recently threatened to tape me right after I interrupted his work by announcing "I think I will make 'getting Botox in 2016' a life goal." or like the time I kept pronouncing "awry" like "Maury". Fledermausing is pretty much that moment that cannot be unseen or unheard. So hats off to C. for this awesome new term and thank you G. for allowing me to share your Fledermausing moment with several hundred strangers and many many friends tonight. I owe you several spritzers.

The rest of the night was idyllic and then I grabbed a taxi home with a couple of friends. As we waited at the light, our driver pointed and said "Katze" and I momentarily thought we were going to have some issues with the Polizei due to his drinking or hallucinations. But sure enough, in the car idling beside us, was a cat in the backseat, paws on the window, looking at us. This was quite possibly one of the most amusing things we all had seen in a very very long time...and this just after discussing the awesomeness of the term Fledermausing. Cats in cars are awesome! So now, go forth, spread the term! And if you have any awesome Fledermausing moments, feel free to share them on the Operation Tubetop Facebook page. Humiliation loves company! FLEDERMAUSING! Spread it like YOLO!


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