Happy Weekend and Dis and Dat!

Well hi there Friday! It is great to have you back. It has been a hectic week but the good news is that the Kid is on the mend. Hi cough is no longer that hacking wake me up at 3 a.m. cough and I am happy that he can go back to daycare on Monday. I think he has a bit of cabin fever and I fear that if we don't take him out over the weekend, he might end up doing something drastic, like wearing plaid with stripes. The horror!

The weekend coming up is a mixture of fun and work. After work I am heading to a friend's place for some wine. And then I am grabbing a cab and heading to Cafe Francais for dinner with another friend. After that, I might drop by Office Twin's place for a nightcap. And then I will head home and sleep the sleep of someone who does a lot in one day. Tomorrow morning I will go Spinning and then around midday, I will head to the Sausage Fest with the Kid and the Husband... and only in Austria (and maybe Germany) can I say I am attending a sausage fest without worrying about my life choices. Oh wait, it is called the Wiener Sausage Fest. EVEN BETTER!

After the fest, I will head to the Markterei around 5 just for a look-see and then on to a very important testing of cheese. The House of Canada is planning an event at the beginning of October and we have been desperately searching for curds. DESPERATELY! I have written complete strangers who I have stalked on the Interwebs. My partner in crime has been doing the same and just yesterday, we picked up a sample due to her vigilant work. We are testing this cheese on Saturday and fingers crossed, it will pass for poutine cheese. I have been talking about curds to anybody who will listen. I'm scared I will start some international incident if someone overhears me say "NO MORE CURDS!". Sigh. But fingers crossed this cheese works!

So this won't be a very vegan weekend but once in a while, it is ok to have the cheese. That's my story and I am sticking to it. Sunday will maybe be Bikram in the morning and then a chilled out day with a walk. And laundry, and writing, and throwing out crap, and finding stuff to donate to Caritas. In other news, I am in the middle of the most ridiculous and fun book ever. It's a YA novel called Beautiful Creatures and it is all sorts of ridiculous and had I been 12 reading this, my mind would have been blown! I also would say the same thing about Twilight. High school romances would have been taken to a whole new level. I would have been perpetually attracted to the guy with an obvious iron deficiency. Oh to be young and angsty again! When we didn't think it was creepy when somebody watched you sleep! Apparently they made a film a couple of years ago based on Beautiful Creatures starring Emma Thompson and Jeremy Irons. WHY DID I NOT HEAR ABOUT THIS?!?! Jeremy Irons totally creeps me out and not in the good way that I like to be creeped out (re: my strange taste in villains). I will definitely try and watch the film once I finish the book, though. I don't have high standards.

So I wish you all a fantastical weekend. I have a couple of Fall Bucket List pictures to post in the next couple of days. Stay tuned!


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