More Shots, Lack of Self Acceptance and Getting Ready for the Ball

Hello! Well, we are back from the hospital! The Kid got a lovely cocktail of Polio booster, a meningitis booster and a tick booster. Fun, fun! We're currently bracing ourselves for the inevitable fever that should be hitting this evening. This time the shots were in the morning and we decided to take a taxi. The Kid's an absolute pro in them, sitting happily in the back and looking out the window. We showed up about 15 minutes before his appointment and he knew exactly where we were going. He walked up the steps bravely and when we walked into the hallway, he gave the rooms a wide berth on his way to the waiting room. There were a couple of other kids and there was a jar of pee on the table. I played linebacker for a good 10 minutes. We were soon called in and I carried the Kid in and he grabbed the door jamb in one last bid for freedom but he wasn't putting all of his heart into it. 

He saw the nurse he likes and crawled into her lap, facing her, well, ample bosom. He likes to snuggle. This is where we differ. The countdown started and he was jabbed on both sides. He didn't make a noise until the end and it was more of a little cry and then it was over. He stormed out of the room without a shirt and with two little band aids and all the adults in the room laughed. His body language was  "Thanks, bitches. See you in 6 months." God, I am so so so proud of him. We took a taxi back and I treated him to junk food. He is in a great mood and I think he loves that Mommy is home and giving him junk food. Speaking of food, I have the crockpot on and I am making an awesome smug vegetable soup for dinner. The stove and oven are still down and I don't want to talk about it.

In the afternoon, the Nanny is coming for a little bit and I will head to The Cake Tree to interview the #girlboss owner. That will be airing next Thursday so make sure to tune into that. Then I will head to spinning because addicted. Yesterday I posted a picture of myself in a dress on Instagram. It's very rare for me to post a picture of myself unless it is a highly filtered selfie. I just love the dress I was wearing but hated seeing myself (sidenote: I watched the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills and saw that Lisa Vanderpump was wearing a similar dress and I almost lost my mind. I lurve her). This is my own issue and probably the biggest one I have. I don't like the way I look and I am not sure I ever really will. I know that self acceptance is really in and while I am pretty happy with how I am as a person, and truly don't think that the way a person looks defines them, I'm still battling demons. The funny thing (not ha ha) is that the way I talk to myself is something I would never ever dream about thinking of other people, let alone saying. My friends are all gorgeous and yet I beat myself up all.the.time. Maybe as time goes by I will get to a point of self acceptance but until then, call me Igor. But maybe I should maybe push myself out of my comfort zone. Maybe I am going to start posting more pictures of me in the clothes that I love. Maybe, just maybe I will get to a point of being o.k. with the way I look. Or not. So there, new challenge. I reserve the right to not do it. But I'll give it the old college try. What's there to lose besides my pride.

So yes, I'm going to do it! More outfit posts on Instagram! Oy vey. In other news, I'm pretty ready for the ball next week. The dress fits, I got all my accessories and I have my ticket. I am very much looking forward to the Science Ball this year because it's been a while since I've got all fancy. Last year I had too many events going on: my fundraiser, a charity gala, the Science Ball, the IAEA ball... I was burnt out. But this year, bring it! I better dash now and pay some more attention to the Kid. Man, so freaking proud of him. I hope you all have a wonderful day still and stay tuned for tomorrow's podcast with Debra! Toodles! 


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