First Week in the New Year

Hi Friday! So happy to see you! I started work again on Tuesday and while it hasn't been too crazy, it has definitely been a challenge to get back into the swing of things. Sofa living over the holidays was bliss and now I have to adult. The Kid and the Husband have been home this week and the Kid had a couple of therapy sessions. Yesterday one of his aides came by but for some reason he didn't really want to do a session. I guess he too has become accustomed to being a lady who lunches on the sofa. He has been a total star this holiday save for one teeny tiny issue. I remember last Christmas when he was having many many freak outs so in the grand scheme of things, I am incredibly grateful that we got through these two weeks without one.

Saying that, the one teeny tiny issue is his sleeping. For the past year he has loved going to bed. Sure, he wouldn't fall asleep for a while but he would stay in his room and happily "talk" to himself. These past few nights, however, have been a bit of a struggle. On Wednesday night the Husband went out and when it was bed time, I told the Kid that it was time to go to bed and holy moly did he have a stroppy little bitch fest. He stomped around the living room yelling and While it was a little hilarious to see a mini version of me have a hissy fit, there was the aspect of me being absolutely exhausted and ready to just watch Seinfeld in peace. I let him get upset and then decided I had to be mad mommy which I hate so very much. Only with the Kid am I pushover. I think a lot of it, actually, I know a lot of it stems from the incredible guilt that I feel that he does not have a normal life: friends, normal school, the ability to talk. I also don't want him to have a freak out because those emotionally destroy me. One of the hardest things about parenting a child with special needs is deciding what is discipline worthy and what is not. I decided his strop was not autism related so I had to get a little firm and shouty. The Kid was definitely surprised and after a few seconds, he finally stopped his mini tyrant walk and followed me to his bedroom. I laid down beside him for about 15 minutes and then walked out. Everything was quiet for about 25 minutes until I heard deep sobs coming from his room. "MOMMY'S COMING!" I exclaimed and burst into his room.

He jumped out of his bed and ran around upset and crying, pulling me to sit on the sofa with him and crawling into my lap. I brought him to my bed and snuggled with him until he stopped his deep sad sobbing. It took about 20 minutes to calm him down and when he finally stopped crying, a minute later, he laughed. Red flag bull. The Husband came home a little while later and the Kid ended up sleeping in bed with me... which has been the trend these last few nights. Smart little bugger. Last night the Husband was in charge of bed duty and he actually got him to fall asleep in his own bed. I'm not sure what time he crawled into my bed this morning but I am guessing 4 a.m. so yay. I do think that once school starts he will be so exhausted that his bed will be a welcome oasis once again. Oh please oh please! In other news, this afternoon I am recording a podcast with a friend after work which will be posted next Thursday. Speaking of podcasts, please check out the latest one I posted and here is the link! This one is with amazing life coach Scott Robson of the Curious Life and he is so inspiring and kind. I had so much fun recording this and if you are looking to change careers or change your life, he's your guy! He and his partner are some of my favorite people. Last Christmas they came over and met the Kid and the Husband and even though the Kid was having stomach issues, they were so chill and kind. They have since come over a couple of times and the Kid just adores them. That's an automatic "I will love you forever" if my kid likes you. And the fact that they are just so so so good with him is incredible. The Kid is a really good litmus test when it comes to people and in the past, I should have followed his lead. The Husband is good at this too and I have a couple of friends who have asked to bring by potential suitors for him to meet. I married some kind of cult leader apparently. No, I think the fact that the Husband doesn't say much (when you first meet him) helps him observe a lot. Meanwhile I Tasmanian Devil every conversation so I'd probably walk away from an evening out and be like "that Ted Bundy... what a guy!"

Anyway, yesterday I went to a 7:15 a.m. spin class at SuperCycle. It was 80s themed and it made me so so happy and so so sore. It was great to be back at it but I think my left arm is numb. Tomorrow morning I will go again and then in the afternoon, the Kid is heading to the In laws for another sleepover. Yes, another one! They are leaving for 2 months next week so we figured we should take advantage of them still being here. We are so lucky that we can do this once in a while and that the Kid has grandparents who are great with him. He does seem to always put on a couple of pounds every time he goes. I think he got gout last time. I am looking forward to another Seinfeld marathon as well as a nap! Woot! On Sunday afternoon I should be meeting a friend for drinks but otherwise, it is going to be a chill weekend. Speaking of chill, yesterday at work I decided to put on the Clueless soundtrack. Boy did that bring back memories of my fluffy cropped sweaters and knee high socks and how maybe just maybe I too could learn to love Ska. I loved that film and the world seemed simpler back then. As the playlist continued and finally arrived at the Counting Crows song, I suddenly got a little sad. I wondered what triggered that and then I realized it was the Counting Crows. I listened to them all.the.time in high school and now my teenager years and my malaise all MAKE SENSE! Damn you Adam with the white guy dreads! I could have been successful! Nah, not really. I have no attention span. Cough. Anyway, I hope you all have a great Friday and for a lot of you, a last weekend before the Christmas holiday ends! Take care and stay tuned for more podcasts! Toodles!


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