Hello Friday!

You know what guilt is? You really want to know? It's thinking your kid just has a cold and it turns out to be bronchitis. Now usually I am an over protective mother, checking his breathing with a mirror at night... but this time, I decided I was just going to sit back and chill. In the past, when the Kid's been sick, I will pretty much consider hailing a damn ambulance on the street and attaching myself to it a la Terminator 2.

This time, oh this time, I was not going to be a paranoid, freaking out mommy. And yes, now I feel terrible. To be fair, the Kid has been on the mend for the last few days. Sure, there was a little wheezing and it was like living with a little gremlin, but I honestly didn't think he was that sick. Well, I WAS WRONG! The doctor prescribed an inhaler and I am starting to think it is making his cough worse because last night, at bedtime, he had an incredible coughing fit which almost sent me into the streets to commandeer a doctor... but of course, this morning, he is totally fine. We will see how the next couple of days go. I imagine he will be fine. But I've been wrong before. So, hello Friday. It's felt like a very long week and I am super excited to see the weekend. Tonight I will be taking a bath, doing face masks and of course shaving my knees because tomorrow is the Science Ball! My dress is ready to go and I will be doing a test run in it tonight. As I wrote the other day, usually I hire a hair and make up artist but this time I am not doing that and so I have to put on my face spackle extra carefully. I will be going to my friend's place to get ready and we will be heading to the ball a little bit early because she invited me to the Mayor's Reception and holla!

I will behave for that first hour and then it will be time to partay. I will pick up a bottle of champagne this afternoon and of course anything that involves cheese because Saturday and Sunday will be 2 days of cheese. CHEESE! It's been close to 4 weeks since I have eaten cheese and I can't stop thinking about cheese right now. CHEESE! As of Monday, I will be back to cleaner eating and spinning. Woot! I also want to do a quick shout out to the Vienna Family Network for posting my article. You can find the link here. On Tuesday night was the monthly therapy networking night and it was a great success. Lots of exciting plans coming up! I also heard from one therapist that she took a patient to the sensory friendly movie afternoon the other week. He is 40 and she has known him for 20 years. For the first time ever he sat through an entire movie and even afterwards, talked about it. She showed me the video of him smiling and did I cry? I cried. I cried a lot. It's moments like these that are so damn important and I can't wait to do more and to provide more activities! And I also need to totally get my ass in gear and start planning the fundraisers. I need a clone!! So I hope you all have a great weekend. You can follow along on the ball madness by checking out my Instagram: Operation Tubetop. No doubt the pictures will get more random and fuzzier as the evening progresses. I can't wait! Thanks for reading and of course listening to the podcasts! Toodles! And Alles Walzer!


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