I'm Planning a Trip and a Pretty Freaking Awesome Kid Moment

Well, hello Friday! Almost the weekend! It's been busy at work and busy with other things. I had a lot of emails to respond to and a lot to send. The next couple of weeks involve quite a few appointments: some fun and some involving getting the Kid some shots at the hospital. Hey-o! But let me just say that 2018 has been pretty decent so far. As I talked about on the podcast on Monday, you can find the link here I have been following a vegan diet since January 1st. I was having stomach issues again and I think a lot of it had to do with my very high consumption of cheese. I've done veganism in the past and I have always felt amazing and yet that cheese kept calling me: Hello, this is cheese. I don't think I can be always vegan but I am trying to give it a shot for the longer term. Sure, once in a while I might accidentally fall into a pizza or cheeseburger but for the most part, there is something to be said about lots of fruit and some veg. I haven't completely changed, guys.

Wednesday was a pretty good day. I went for a great run in the rain and then headed to work. In the evening the Kid was great and when I brought him to bed and laid down beside him (we do this for about 15 minutes at bedtime), he held my hand. When I tried to pull it away, he held it tighter and let's just say I completely melted into a pile of mush. He slept alright and again ended up in our bed sometime in the middle of the night. If he doesn't wake me up, I don't care. Before heading to bed, the Husband and I watched an episode of Seinfeld. He wasn't a fan until recently but it's won him over. The episode was about "shrinkage" and did we laugh and laugh. I also have to mention that my friend S.R. is also watching Seinfeld and apparently I did not mention that in my last blog post and she pointed THAT out.

This morning I went to a 7:15 spin class. It was again 80s music and it was an epic workout. God, I am hooked. By the end I was gasping for breath and looking like a drowned rat and walking back home felt like a trip. I took a shower and then headed to work. At work I wrote the Husband that I was thinking about going to New York and L.A. in May. Now, you might think it strange that I write him an email telling him this versus, I don't know, telling him directly, but his mind works better this way. He's an engineer. Don't ask me to explain. He wrote back and said "Just a week? For such a long trip you should go for at least 10 days." Obviously he is having an affair. No, he's just a really great guy. Hopefully. I haven't had a real holiday in a long time. I would love to be able to travel with the Kid but at this point in time, it's not possible. Last year I went to Canada for a week and it was lovely to see friends and my family but I also had two big meetings related to Autism (which were great, by the way). I just need a week of no obligations besides making sure I don't get scurvy. Except, somehow, I will somehow end up having an important meeting on this trip because I just have a feeling. I realize how incredibly lucky I am to be able to do this. I couldn't without the Husband's help and he is truly a perfect dad to the Kid. There is definitely a sense of guilt about going on such a big trip but I also recognize how important it is for me to have some downtime. Plus the Husband is going on a cruise with his parents in June so I don't feel that guilty. Kind of. I can't wait to catch up with friends in New York and attempt to recreate a picture of Blair Waldorf from Gossip Girl and going to L.A. has always been a dream for me. An absolute dream. I don't know why, but there is something so surreal about it that I cannot believe that this will actually be happening!

When I posted on Facebook about going to a L.A. a friend asked if it was because they were making a movie about my life. I laughed and laughed and then thought: who would play me in a movie? In the past I always thought a chubby Leelee Sobieski would work. And then yesterday I thought maybe Jennifer Lawrence cause she's so hot right now... but she would have to be willing to put on 40 pounds and a prosthetic nose a la Nicole Kidman in The Hours but I don't think she's that desperate to win another Oscar yet. Anyway, I just cannot believe that I will be there in May and that I will be in New York and I am just so so so excited!!! SQUEAL! This is an ever loving dream come true for me! For real! I am also going to have to get an Uber app because I can't drive and nobody walks in L.A.

Tomorrow is the sensory friendly movie afternoon at Filmcasino. As always we will walk down with the Kid and stay for about 10 minutes and then walk back home. It's something to do. I will also be spinning tomorrow and in the evening, will be going to my friend D.K.'s place to make dinner and record an episode with her. Otherwise, it will be a pretty chill weekend. On Monday I am recording another podcast with someone and on Wednesday the Kid is getting some more shots. On Thursday I am going to an event for ladies which I am looking forward to. Turns out that my gyno is going to be there.... that should be fun!

And before I end this blog post, let me quickly talk about the epic thing the Kid did yesterday. As I was on the Ubahn, on my way home from work, I received a PM from the therapy aide. I opened it up and I immediately saw two pictures of the Kid in an underground station. I audibly gasped and then started crying... in public (cool, so cool). The Kid hasn't been in an Ubahn/train station in almost 3 years. He suddenly developed a fear and no amount of bribery would get him to go down the stairs. The therapy aide, on his very first try, got him to go downstairs. UNBELIEVABLE! When I got home I asked him how it went and he said that the Kid was initially scared but then seemed to not want to leave. This is a huge step! A HUGE ACCOMPLISHMENT. The Husband was also in awe and we both teared up talking about it. There are some days where my stomach knots up in panic, thinking about the Kid's future. I wonder about his development and whether he will regress again. I definitely have some dark moments. But what happened yesterday was a moment that made me believe and hope again. Anything could happen, change is possible. So what a way to enter 2018! Happy tears again!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. And before I forget, please check out the podcast interview with Lilly Pan I posted yesterday, you can find the link here. A very talented artist who did the Science Ball posters for this year.

Thanks for reading and listening and have a great day! Toodles!


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