Weekend Wrap Up

I have a new laptop! Hurray! The Husband was a superstar and bought me one today. I think he got annoyed with my deep sighing and me cursing the old laptop. The old one is close to 6 years old and it was time. This new one is so pretty.... so thin...so light and the keyboard looks kind of like faux wood. Well done, Husband, well done. Now I will be spending the next week trying to figure out how to use it.

Anyway, it is Saturday afternoon, the Husband has headed to the park with the Kid and I have some alone time and a chance to do some writin, y'all. Oh and hey, I have automatic spell check on this new baby. Hurray! Anyway, here is the weekend wrap up containing all sorts of stats from this past week. Woot!

Interval jogging sessions: 6 (I went twice last Sunday because I woke up drunk and had to sweat out the weissburgunder (we were invited to a friend's place for a dinner party but due to sick nanny, I just ended up going. The host served a goat cheese quiche with roasted red peppers, chicken skewers with roasted potatoes and a berry gelatin dessert that was amazing. He also kept making sure that my glass was never empty, hence the two runs))

Minutes that I can now jog in row without losing a lung: 8 (1 minute walk, 8 minute jog for 36 minutes)

Editorial meeting with Vienna Würstelstand: 1

Number of times I have been ridiculously proud of the Kid: a bazillion

Average hours of sleep: 7

Average hours the  Kid has spent in our bed at night: 7 (siiiiiiigh)

A night out with a friend that started with a bottle of sparkling wine and ended up with tapas, sherry spritzers and lavender cava: 1 (and I'm a little tired today)

Kid therapy session: 1

Bedazzled a pillowcase: .5 (ran out of crystals)

Bracelets mailed for the give away: 7

Initial plan for the Operation Tubetop meet and greet: one and it includes centerpiece sketches... there will be pink

Times I was grateful for such wonderful support and encouragement from so many people: Infinity

Chapters of my book completed: 0 (I need to do 13 by June, GAH!)

Times I laughed out loud: so many

I am super excited because tomorrow morning I am heading to a concert that a friend is in. I can't wait to be cultured and stuff. If you live in Europe, don't forget that we lose an hour and brace yourself for Facebook updates from parents like me cursing daylight savings time because it turns our spawns into jetlagged freaks. We are having a friend and her visiting friend over for dinner on Thursday and I am very much looking forward to that. She (visiting friend) saw the apartment when we were about to move in and got to witness the installing of the light fixtures... so now she can see it in all its (toddler destroyed) glory. I'll get her drunk, she won't notice the wall smears. I have Friday off so I will be getting a spray tan and I will no doubt have a post about that. I hope to get at least 5 interval jogging sessions in by the holiday. And I hope that I finally conquer the skill of proper exfoliation so that my fake tan doesn't make my elbow look like an orange nipple.

Otherwise, I am looking forward to a quiet night in with takeout and TV watching. And hey, I think I am missing a mole on my pinkie finger. That will keep me busy for a while figuring that out. Happy Saturday!


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