I'm Going to Do What?!?!

So, everyone has an achilles heel/Kryptonite. I have weaknesses; shoes, when the Kid cries, cheese. But if you want me to do something with you? Get a couple of drinks in me...
"Hey, Tova! There's a new..."
"There's a new S and M club in town."


"Hey, Tova. Let's climb this fence to check out a cemetary after hours.
"Capital idea! Oh look, the police."

I've definitely agreed to do some wild and stupid stuff back in the day and yet, I topped myself last Saturday. I was out, I had had a couple of drinks and then I fell under the spell of the power of suggestion. My friend suggested a 5K run at the end of May and I was like "YES! YES I WILL! A MILLION TIMES YES! And you should probably put a reminder on your phone that I said I would do it because I will probably forget." I spent a large majority of the night telling strangers that I was training for the BIG ONE. The way I was going on, you would have thought I had signed on for Iron Man.

The next morning, I woke up and remembered my promise and thought "Well, shit." So now I am officially signed up for the Vienna Frauenlauf (Women's Run) on May 31st. Do I run? Only when there is a sale and even then, that's a little trot at most. My friend posted an 8 week training plan on my wall.

Looks doable. Right? Oh ahahaha. I am so screwed. The run is only 5k, and most days I walk almost double that... but that is walking. Running is a whole nother animal. Running requires the boobsicles to have more support. Running requires sweat and running requires...well... pushing myself.

I started this morning and at first I was like "No problem." I started with the 2 minute walk and then when my phone stop watch showed one minute and 59 seconds, I was like "Ok, about time. Let's do this!" I started jogging and it wasn't so bad. The minute was painless and I patted myself on my back. Just 6 more intervals. The 2 minute walking period seemed to drag on and then it was another minute of jogging. Again, wasn't so bad but I was a little out of breath. Then the 2 minute walk started and that seemed to go by strangely fast. Odd that. And then I had another minute of running. Dear lord. I was winded. Again, a 2 minute walk and I looked at my stopwatch and wanted to yell "ARE YOU POSSESSED!?!? THAT WAS NOT 2 MINUTES!!" I did another 1 minute jog and I wanted to cry. And this went on for another 3 intervals. I have a lot of training to do,guys. Like a lot.

Luckily I have awesome buddies who are going to join me once or twice a week. I just hope they know CPR.

I have a feeling that tomorrow I am going to hurt but I am a masochist and I will probably be pretty excited about my interval training. It was almost impossible to get out of bed this morning but I had a notification on my phone that I had been tagged in a photo on Facebook and that lead to me internally screaming "TO THE LAPTOP! MUST UNTAG!" Now that I think about it, that might just be my motivation to get out of bed. So, there you have it, Imma gonna do a 5K. What have I done?


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