Rekindling my Love for Vienna

It is no secret that I adore living in Vienna. Sure, there are times where I want to scream; times often include standing in line at the bakery when people cut in front of me or the fact that children are often seen as a nuisance or the fact that seeing people smile is very very rare or that time I was blamed for having a c-section. But after a total of 14 years, Vienna is truly my home and I cannot imagine living anywhere else. Spring is just around the corner and then Vienna really turns into paradise. Ok, there is my hayfever that comes around this time and the sewer smell becomes a little bit more pronounced but on the plus side, sidewalk cafes start to open and restaurant courtyards pop up and suddenly you feel you are in a bustling city once again.

This past weekend was a lot of fun. We had friends over on Friday for dinner and that was a lot of fun. Early Saturday morning I went for a walk and decided to take a different route. I walked down to the center. I walked down Kärtner strasse, then down Rotenturmstrasse. Turned right near Schwedenplatz and walked down some random cobbled streets, then walked past the synagogue to Vienna's oldest church then back to the Graben to Michaelerplatz, checked out the Roman ruins and then walked through the Hofburg palace to Heldenplatz and then to the Ring and then through Burggarten and then to the Opera and then on to Schwarzenbergplatz, past the French embassy and then on to Wiedner Hauptstrasse and then back home. It was absolutely amazing and I was on such a high. There are moments like these that I am so incredibly grateful to be able to live here. I practically Maria Van Trapped it a few times. I took some crap pictures and here are some. Photographer, I am not.

After my incredible walk, I told the Husband I had to buy a pair of shoes for work. I headed out to my old hood with the intent to buy a simple pair of black pumps. Black pumps I did purchase but then I also found a red pair that I fell in love with and then for 15 euros I found a pair of tassled boots that are so outrageous but I adore them. A chubby, poor man's Cher, I am.

When I got home, the Husband was like "Three pairs?!? You said one pair!" and I acted all insulted and was like "It's like you don't even know me!" and when he spied the tassle boots he was like "For work?!" and I was like "For 15 euros they were practically free and I could wear those to work (no I can't)" I wisely chose not to show him the shirts I bought as well. And these are my newest babies. Say hello.

I spent the afternoon cleaning and playing with the Kid and then in the evening I headed out for some tapas with a friend and met a couple of new ladies. Again, a fun night. I got home around midnight and decided to download another Lauren Conrad book because I am 14.

Sunday was the one day in a week the Kid decided to not sleep in and I tried to teach him a game called "Mommy is very very tired and let's all whisper." After realizing I would get no rest, I headed to Bikram Yoga because, well, one of the owners wrote me the day before and I fold like a cheap fan. I am actually really really happy I went. It has been a couple of months and there is something incredibly therapeutic about it. Painful... but therapeutic.

The Kid was a bit of whiny mess yesterday. He was overtired, bored from being home all week and still reeling from the two hospital visits. He fell asleep in the afternoon mid-kvetch and then the Husband and I took advantage of this rare happening and also took naps. You thought I would say something dirty. You thought wrong. A couple of hours later we all woke up in foul moods and said things we all regret. In the evening we ordered Chinese food as we do every Sunday and then it was time to head back to bed. The Kid didn't fall asleep until past 10 and apparently today, he was a bit of "a handful" and I just hope that once we get back on schedule, he will stop yelling at everybody. Apparently, today, his ire was directed at a gardener and his leaf blower.

So that is it for now. It was a real I LOVE VIENNA weekend. Not much planned for this week besides a dinner on Thursday, my finally haircut and colour on Friday and then the ten year Vienna Expat anniversary at Golden Harp on Saturday. Hard to believe that so much time has gone by already. Sunrise, sunset. Time for bed!


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