Jalking and Dis and Dat

The weather is finally back to what it should be. I never thought I was the type to be affected? effected? by the lack of sun - in fact, I love a good rain - but boy, I was starting to go a little stir crazy. On Saturday I was able to get the rest of the party table decorations so that was a win. Will post pictures when it is complete in a couple of days - I call it AWESOME. We had friends over for brunch Sunday morning and the Kid was on his best behavior. He likes Italians. He flirts a little. Sorry Kid, you're stuck with your ethnically non-diverse mother. Let's have some corn on the cob and Coke Zero to celebrate. Now where's my New Yorker? I too have always had a crush on Italians. I love their passion, the language, the food, their cities, the shoes, their films, their music, their shoes, their shoes. Wait? What. Moving on.

Anywho. Now that the weather is nice again and I have to shave, I have realized that a lot of my clothes are not going to be fitting me in the next few weeks. Sad face. Feeling sorry for myself. Writing like hashtags but won't. So I have decided that I need a plan to get back into dismal shape. Not the very dismal shape that I am currently rocking. I loved going to my gym back in our old hood but the closest gym is now about a 10 minute walk away and ain't nobody got time for that. Since living here, I like to look out onto the park and whisper "soon"...I mean, watch people because I be crazy. I've noticed a lot of joggers and there is one woman who literally jogs with 3 different people over the course of 3 hours. I don't know if she's a trainer or a stalker or a very very lonely woman with a fabulous ass. I'll go with the second choice because I feel this could be an excellent Lifetime Movie. The Jogger - Running After Us All. Another tangent. So, as I was writing, I need to get in da shape and so, with absolutely no help from recreational drug use (wine's my poison), I have decided to start jogging.

Now, I don't like running. In fact, there are only a handful of things that I will run for (a) serial killers chasing me; (b) a sale; and (c) when the Husband comes home earlier than I expected and I have to hide the 4 pairs of shoes I just recently purchased. Thank you Malm bed with your incredible storage underneath. But, I realize that with my limited time, jogging seems to be currently the best option. So for the past couple of days, I've been back on my 5:15 wake-ups, pulling on the Spandex (but think of the children, Tova! Shield your eyes, folks!) and heading out into our park for what I like to call Jalking. There is a real name for this type of workout but I can't be assed to look it up. Insert hashtag here. I won't. I so won't.

Anyway, I start off with a brisk walking pace at the bottom of the park, walking up a slight incline, then across the top of the park, and then when I reach the last part (a slight decline) I start to jog. I do this on repeat for about 40 minutes. I sound like I have been doing this for a while. I haven't. Today was day 2. And I hurt. I really really hurt. Every time I stand up or sit down, I grunt. But it is a good kind of pain. Jalking, cycling once in a while to work, and yoga at home - I think I will be on the right path to less of the fats. I'm hoping to eventually be able to jog completely around the park at some point, but I'm taking it slow. So slow that about 5 of these guys overtake me in the morning.

I should also look into getting this as a t-shirt... because, awesome.

I have a lot more to update but am veddy veddy busy and important. Stay tuned. Jalking. I'm making it a word. It probably already is a word. #toolazytoGoogle. DAMMIT HASHTAG!


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