Bad Mood but Loving Conchita Wurst

Wowzers. Did I wake up in a bad mood. I could not get out of bed this morning and it annoyed me. I usually wake up in a decent mood. I might be tired but as soon as the alarm goes off, I am up and ready to drag myself to the kitchen to have a cup of coffee. I usually need about 15-20 minutes of silence and that is why I wake up at the ungodly hour of 5. This gives me time to drink my cup o' caffeine, sit on the sofa under a blanket and read about celebrities. If I don't get to do this ritual I am banshee-like. And since it took me 45 minutes to get out of bed, I missed my window and boy was I in a foul mood. It didn't help that our electric toothbrush was out of juice so I had to manually brush my teeth with it. I had thought I had charged it but someone had unplugged it. I blamed the Husband and he was all like "I didn't unplug it" and I was like "Well, I didn't either" and I was not happy. I also had planned to bike in to work but it was raining so naturally I blamed the Husband as well. Yes, I know he doesn't control the weather, but he is going on a business trip next week so I won't be able to bike in at all and so yes, it is his fault.

I should have been in a better mood because last night was awesome! The Eurovision Song Contest is upon us once again. As a kid in the 80's, while living in Germany, we would watch this production of a show. It is camp at its finest and it is political but it is oh so awesome. Now, living in Austria, I try to catch it every year because it is a blast to "blast" it. A friend has hosted a party for it in the past but due to a scheduling conflict, I will be watching it on Saturday at home. Usually I don't watch the semi-finals but this year I decided to tune in to watch Austria's submission - Conchita Wurst.

Conchita is controversial and I love her for that. Originally named Thomas Neuwirth, Conchita has polarized this country. But after last night's performance, I would like to think that she has united Austria somewhat. The lady can sing. And the song she sang was epic. Here is the link if you missed it. She is Babs with a beard, Liza with a lizard. She is incredible. So I implore you to tune in tomorrow night and watch the magic! 12 points for Conchita!!!


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