Podcast and Dis and Dat

Well, hello there Thursday! Thursdays are fab because it almost the weekend which means that I can sit on my sofa and wear a tank top and stretchy pants. I have two looks: slutty corporate and homeless. When it is too hot, I have a third look: sweaty chic. It is hot again. Of course it is. I adored Sunday with all of the rain and the cool air. Whenever the Kid was in another room, I would throw open the windows to let the air in. Bliss. Today it is supposed to go up to 37 degrees... GAH! After work I am going to a friend's place for a quick drink and then heading to Francesco in Grinzing for dinner. I can't believe I hadn't been there in 20 years and now I am going for a second time in about a week. I can't quit you, pizza.

Tomorrow we are trying the family photoshoot again. The Kid had a freak out last week just before the photographer arrived so we had to postpone. And he had another one last night as well. I think his stomach was bothering him since the medicine is working so well.. maybe a little too well...like we might even find the Dead Sea Scrolls well.. Cough. But it wasn't the worst freak out so thankful for small blessings. He slept well and he was joy when I dropped him off at kindergarten this morning. Less than 3 weeks to go until he is no longer at kindergarten. Imma gonna cry. I am almost crying now. Just going to numb those emotions with wine tonight! Healthy coping mechanism, Tova! The better news about the photoshoot is, is that it won't be 38 degrees like it was last Friday.

In other news, I have a new little obsession thanks to my friend L.G.: My Favourite Murder. It's a podcast by two comedians and they talk about... well... murder. I am already on the 5th episode and loving it. And yes, I skip over the parts about the murder of kids because that, I cannot handle. I love a good true crime story and this is probably why I don't always sleep well at night. If you are looking for something funny and creepy, My Favourite Murder will be right up your alley... you sick, twisted, person. Come sit by me. So, speaking of podcasts, I finally did one! For a couple of years I have been thinking about doing one. A video blog was out because of this face so the next option was a podcast. On Tuesday night, I recorded one and then spent countless hours trying to post the damn thing. I came to work yesterday and whined at Office Twin "Fiiiiiiixxxxx itttt....." but he couldn't do it either. Finally last night, after mucho mucho swearing, I finally had a link up and working! It isn't the best way to broadcast but for now it works and that is fine with me. I had a lot of fun doing it but also, I woke up this morning in a bit of a panic, wondering if people actually enjoyed it. Sensitive, tis me. I got some good feedback so I guess I will keep on doing them. It is always a bit of a jump of faith to do something new. I love blogging but I feel like a weekly podcast would be a fun new thing to try. The next podcast is going to be about what makes Vienna unique so stay tuned for that! I also will be interviewing some peeps around Vienna in future podcasts because I think it is a great way to add a little diversity to the podcasts... and people might just get sick of me just talking about myself. Debatable.

So I wrote most of this blog post early in the morning until I started Whatsapping with a friend who is back home in Canada for the summer. She seems to be having a fab time and I am totally jealous. One day I will go on a real holiday! Before I end this post, I want to quickly mention the little girl I saw in the park the other day. I mentioned her on Facebook and the image is still with me. She was probably about 7 years old, in a pink princess dress on her bike. She saw a sprinkler and pedaled through the water yelling "YAAAYY!!" and I was like, yas, that is who I am going to be as often as I can be. I am going to be that little girl and try and go through my days screaming "yaay!" Sure, there might be some days I will want to crawl into bed with a bottle of wine, but maybe that little 7 year old really knows what life is about. So I am going to try and be that little girl. Maybe I should have Oreos for lunch for authenticity. Anyway...I wish you all a fabulous day! Toodles!


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