My New Lover, Podcasting

A million apologies for not writing a post in foreva! I have a new lover, his name is podcasting. I have done about 4-5 episodes the last couple of weeks and I am having so much fun doing them! Here is a link to my new channel: Operation Tubetop Podcast if you want to check them out. What do I like about podcasting? It's fast, it's easy and I get to talk and talk and talk which is a favourite hobby of mine... obviously. But of course I can't forget my first love: writing. I promise I will continue to blog! We also have figured out that I lie sometimes so don't hold me to this.

I hope you all had a great weekend. For the most part mine was low key. Well, low key for me. On Friday afternoon I stopped at the Cafe Gitarre for a quick drink and to read a book. Then I headed home because the Husband was going out to dinner. The Kid and I had dinner and then at 8 I threw him into bed, powered up the old time laptop, set up the microphone and did a podcast about the Secret Vienna tour. I also ended up writing one of the guys who runs the tours because I want to see if we can collaborate regarding tours and autism. And a little side story: I received a message last night from a woman who is opening a cake shop and she wants to talk about possible autism friendly hours and that is just so fanfreakingtastic! It's happening! It really is happening! Hurrah! Sorry, went off on a tangent. After my podcast and my chat, I headed to bed and attempted to read The Turning of the Screw that a couple of friends suggested I read but I think I have gotten dumber this summer so I had to switch back to a comedy book. I'll give the book the old college try again when I feel smarter.

Saturday morning the Kid actually slept in and that was amazing. It was a rainy and cool day and that just made me so so happy. A reason to do nothing? Bring it! I have two settings: (1) non-stop go go go and (2) on the sofa, use my feet to grab the remote control from the arm of the sofa because I can't be assed to move. It's all about balance. Extreme balance. I did some cross stitch. I am just learning how to do it and kind of loving it. And kind of being irreverent because swear words in cross stitch makes me laugh and laugh. You will see it when it is done. In the evening I had a dinner date so I headed out around 5:45 and made my way to Grinzing to meet a couple of friends. I had wine and pizza and then around 8:45, we headed to the Beaver Brewing Company where I had more red wine and a peanut butter chocolate lava cake and it was a night of dumb life choices. Worth it? Totally. I got home around midnight and fell into a deep sleep until I woke up to the Kid staring at me which is totally not creepy at all... if you think Children of the Corn is a romantic comedy. The Husband let me sleep in a little which was nice and then in the afternoon, we headed to the birthday party of a friend's daughter. It was in the park that we live on so the commute was fine even in my state. It was a really lovely and chill party and the Kid loved the Pringles. I also hovered over him because I didn't want him to attack the birthday cakes. I stayed for an hour and a half and then took advantage of being home alone and did a little yoga while watching Law and Order. I don't think that is what one should do while doing yoga but I like to multitask. The Husband and the Kid came home 45 minutes later and I did some laundry and some cleaning and some more sofa hanging outing.

Once the Kid was in bed, I crawled into bed and put on a My Favorite Murder podcast and it was the perfect end to the weekend. The Kid was an absolute joy this weekend. He seems happier and much more engaged. It does kill me that he doesn't have any friends and at the birthday party, I could see him checking out another little boy. One day he will have a friend, I don't doubt that... because Jewish mother that I am, I will ensure it... even if I have to pay somebody to hang out with him. That's healthy, Tova. Tonight I am going out for dinner with a friend. He suggested Es Gibt Reis and I am excited to try it out and yes, I already know what I am going to order. Tomorrow or Wednesday evening I will do another podcast and on Thursday I am probably checking out my friend's new house. On Friday night my friend D.K. is back in town so I am making my baked zitti and then forcing her to be on my podcast. So, I guess you could say, a pretty normal and yet crazy week for me. I hope you all have a fabulous Monday and if you are in the States, enjoy the eclipse! Toodles!


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