Cray Cray Times but Hoping Things Get Better

First off, apologies for not writing for over a week. It has been a bit of a roller coaster. Last Sunday the Kid had an epic 3 freak outs. He never has more than 1 in a day so this was a bit of a shock. In June he had about 5 freak outs and in July, he beat this record by 2. We believe it is due to his digestion and so last Monday, I asked people for specialists and so many awesome people gave me suggestions. We tried two different doctors but they wouldn't take the Kid but on the third try, BINGO! The Husband sent me the guy's website and I wrote back "He has a nice face. Yes, let's choose him." Yes, kids, always judge a book by its cover. The guy had kind eyes. Kind eyes always win... and a doctorate too, of course.

Last week the Kid was in a spectacular mood after his Sunday hat trick (I was a wreck, however). I didn't go out during the week so of course, by Friday, I was ready to go buckwild. And I did. I really did. A friend asked me the other day how I deal with my stress. I told her it can go three ways: (1) I watch a lot of YouTube videos that make me cry: these include videos of soldiers coming home and surprising their kids or trailers to films like Wuthering Heights or anything Jane Austen (I am a hopeless romantic deep deep down. Shut up.) (2) I end up getting sick and need to lie in bed for a day or two (3) I go out on the town and turn into a lunatic... a fun lunatic. So that is what happened on Friday night and I don't want to talk about it anymore but all I can say is that at least I am the happiest little drunk that there ever was. P.S. I haven't had a drink since. I am practically a saint. P.P.S. I am drinking tomorrow night.

That reminds me, I need to catch up on Archer. Anyway... On Sunday we had the Autism in Vienna picnic. A few kids and parents showed up and the Kid was great as always when he is outside. One parent pointed out that you can always tell who the parents who have kids with autism are because we scan the perimeter and watch our kids like hawks. It's true. After a couple of hours, I brought the Kid back home and the Husband stayed to talk to a few parents. Formula 1 was on at 2 and the Kid promptly passed out. So I did as well. Family naps are the best naps of them all. Of course this meant that he didn't go to bed until midnight but meh, worth it. Of course yesterday morning he woke up and had a freak out. It was heart breaking and he ended up having a couple more over the next hour. I stayed home with him and texted the nanny that she didn't need to come in that day. He was good throughout the day (of course he was) and when the Husband got home, we called a taxi because we had an appointment at the stomach specialist at 6:30. Now, the Kid is great on trams and buses... but refuses to get on trains or ubahns. The last time he was in a car was at least a year ago so it was with trepidation that we waited on the corner for the taxi. It pulled up and the Kid hesitated for half a minute. He finally crawled in, I put on his seat belt and sat down beside him and off we went. He gripped my arm every time the car sped up or made a sudden turn. He was like a little Jewish backseat driver. I was so proud. We arrived at the doctor's office 15 minutes later and he exited the car like a pro. The office is on Schoenbrunner Alle and I never knew there was a stretch filled with villas. How did I not know this? How am I not living in a villa? Where did I go wrong? Oh wait. Never mind. We pushed a button and pushed open the door and I was relieved to see that nobody was in the waiting room. Gorgeous office, by the way. We were early but the doctor came out and greeted us. I was waiting for the Kid to scream NEIN when we walked into the doctor's office but he seemed cool.

He even sat in between the Husband and I for a good 5 minutes which was a shock. Eventually he got up and walked out of the office and I followed him and let the Husband talk to the doctor. We kept coming back in and at one point the doctor said "He's anal retentive." and I snorted and wanted to say "Freud, eh?" but then I realized he meant it literally. So long story short... the Kid doesn't like to do it and there might be some, cough, blockage, cough and so hopefully, after we put him on some medicine as of today, he will be a lot lighter soon. Literally. Poor kiddo. The doctor was lovely and the Kid obviously picked up on that because he even let him examine his stomach. He.has.never.done.that.before. Methinks we have a snob on our hands. I am ok with this. The appointment lasted a good 30 minutes and we have a follow up in 6 weeks. We walked out, feeling a lot better and when the taxi came, the Kid didn't even hesitate crawling in. This time he didn't grip my arm, so relaxed was he. It was also a Mercedes so #snoblife... When we arrived back home, the Kid jumped out, turned around and gave the car a huge smile. It was a special moment. My little materialistic boy. Bless. Unfortunately an hour later he had another freak out but to be honest, it didn't bother me so much knowing (hopefully) this should pass soon. The Husband picked up the medicine this morning and hopefully soon, it will kick in. Just need to stock up on Cillit Bang. Big sigh.

So there you have the latest update. It has been a bit of an emotional drain and fingers crossed, August decides to be awesome. Tomorrow night I am going out for dinner with a friend and on Friday evening we are having a family picture session: the theme is Southern Gothic. I have a parasol. And a black dress. So family friendly. I wish you all a fabulous Tuesday and I promise to write more often once things settle down! Toodles!


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