Just Under a Month to Go and the Kid is a Star

Just under a month to go to fit into my ball dress. The Journalism Ball aka Concordia Ball is on June 17th and for the past week and a half, I have been sticking to my workout regime. I missed a day on Sunday so I had to double up and do it on Monday. I wrote a friend that I was doing this and she was like "You're like Eddie Izzard and his marathons." To which I thought "Totes." but not really. Will I fit into this dress? I think so. Maybe. Perhaps?

The long weekend was a nice weekend. Saturday night I was at a birthday party for a friend at Cafe Leopold. On Sunday I putzed around and then around 6 a friend came by for dinner before we headed out to another birthday party. I usually try and eat before going to parties because even if there is food set out, I will probably forget to eat. It is the only time in my life that I forget to eat so let's not get too excited. Around 7:30, we made our way to our friend's place for her birthday bash. She has a lovely apartment in the 3rd district; overlooking the Donaukanal, with an incredible terrace with a view of the whole city. The spread of food was incredible and the party was busy! I met a couple of lovely women and spent most of the time talking to them and then talking to friends. There was a lot of laughter but by midnight, it was time to head home. I was exhausted after two nights of parties but surprisingly I acted like a mature adult and did not over imbibe. Obviously I must be sick. The next morning I woke up with a start, looked at the time and realized I had slept in until 9:30 which is MADNESS!

The Husband was kind enough to let me sleep in and for all of his thoughtfulness he received a "OMG! WHY DID YOU LET ME SLEEP IN SO LATE?!?! I HAVE SO MUCH TO DO!" I played with the Kid and sent out about 15 e-mails and messages. Speaking of the Kid, this past weekend he was incredible. He was a complete and utter joy. He was goofy, he laughed, he got jokes (ie. pretending to lecture him for trying to break into the kitchen and then leading to him squealing in delight), we also noticed he has added some different sounds to his normal repertoire. The Husband taped it because we couldn't stop laughing. My little boy is going through some incredible developmental jump and we are thrilled. This Sunday we might even try to take him to the Prater (the green area) and then try out the Liliput Bahn. Methinks the Husband just wants an excuse to ride the Liliputbahn again. Let's see how this goes.

Tonight I will be working later and then I will head home to get a work out in and to hopefully catch some reality TV. I should probably not watch reality TV since I have my Beacon Beach House business plan to finish up. The clock is ticking and I need to get on it stat! A friend was kind enough to meet me yesterday to talk through some of it and he had some great suggestions. So so grateful for everybody's help! Now if somebody has 250,000 just lying around, I would be more than happy to take it off your hands. I'd even name one of the therapy rooms after you. And a cocktail! Cough. So that is about it for now. Meeting a friend for dinner tomorrow and then on Friday afternoon a friend is selling Indian clothing and jewelry and I will try and not spend all my monies. On Saturday I am hosting a baby shower and then in the evening, there is the therapy networking night and then afterwards, I will run to der Fuchs und die Trauben (run? I mean take a taxi) for a friend's birthday. I wish you all a fabulous Wednesday!


  1. Ah so heartwarming to read! Go Kiddo! The 'methinks the Husband just wants to ride the Liliputbahn again' cracked me up though...that would definitely be an ulterior motive of mine!


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