Happy Mother's Day and Dis and Dat

There is a wine in Austria that is famous with the locals. It is called Uhudler. To me it is Devil Water. Years ago and Austrian friend brought us a bottle when we were hosting a party. She passed it to me and said "Yeah, you are going to want be careful with this. It makes people do crazy things." and when an Austrian tells me to be careful with wine, then I know to pay attention. That bottle sat in our fridge for 6 months and every time I opened up the fridge door, it was kind of like that scene in Ghostbusters.

One day I decided that it was time to finally try this infamous wine and yeah, Uhudler gonna make you cray cray. I am not sure what magic lies in the grapes but every time I have it, I turn into a Good time Gal! ready to partay. Yesterday I met up with some friends at the Genuss Festival in Stadtpark. I have never been and I was excited to try it out. The weather was spectacular, the company was awesome and I started the afternoon off with weissburgunder. And then, just around 6:30, just before I was planning to leave, somebody bought a bottle of Uhudler. Of course I said "Capital IDEA!" and no, it definitely wasn't a capital idea. I had told the Husband I would be home at 7 and when I texted him that I was going to head home he wrote something magical "Stay as long as you want. All good at home so no need to rush back." And that, my friends, is what we call enabling.

Let's just say I walked in the door at 10:30, full with pizza and a broken sandal and grass in my hair. The Husband could not be prouder. It was one of those fantastic Vienna afternoons that you have know idea how crazy it will get and you meet lovely people and can't stop laughing and once again I proved I wasn't intimidating (you know what I am talking about, buddy). No, I wasn't wild but I was overserved. And I am definitely a little delicate today. The Husband offered me a mimosa earlier and I was like "No. Noooonononononono!"

But much to my delight, I had an amazing surprise waiting for me. The Husband found a ton of pictures of the Kid and me and the Kid and made three ginormous banners with them. They were hung up and I cried. It was the BEST surprise ever! Sure, I like diamonds but this will do. Around 11 we are heading to the In laws for lunch and then this afternoon I am going to go for a run and this can only end well. I will probably run into a wall. I am on day 3 of my Fit Into Ball Dress Challenge for the Concordia Ball in June and I need to keep the momentum going because I don't want to have to do what I did for the Science Ball: make my own dress to hide my shame. Let's do this! Later. Let's do this later.

The past week was pretty crazy. Monday was nutso and on Wednesday I had a finance meeting. It was TOUGH! The guy didn't hold any punches and I truly started to hyperventilate a little. I was relieved when at point he said simply "But I think it is a fantastic idea." So there's that. I have a ton to do these next couple of weeks and I know I will be stressed out but it will be worth it in the end. I am also planning a therapy night for the 21st of May so if you are a therapist or specialist in the field of autism, drop me a line and let me know if you want to attend. The idea behind it is to try and build a strong network of therapists so that we can have a group of specialists with a wide array of experience. I am very excited about this! On June 5th we are also having our very first annual Autism in Vienna picnic in Drasche park. Fingers crossed for a large turnout! I am making cupcakes. And one last thing about Autism in Vienna; we reached 600 likes on Facebook yesterday and that is pretty awesome!  Life is pretty amazing right now. A year ago on Mother's Day I spent the afternoon at Stadthalle, checking out the press hall for Eurovision. It was surreal and I kept hashtagging #mylifeislikewhatrightnow. And to be honest, a year later, life is still pretty surreal. I wish you all a Happy Mother's Day! A shout out to my mom on this Mother's Day, as well! I am also very excited because in July I will be heading to Canada all by myself like a big girl. I will spend 4 nights in a fancy hotel in Toronto and then head to Ottawa to spend some time with my family and I CANNOT WAIT! So onwards and upwards and have a fabulous day!


  1. Fun fact: Uhudler is made of American grapes that were brought to Europe because of the grape phylloxera in the 19th century.lg Alexander T.

    1. I had no idea! I love that! Thank you!

  2. Oh your blog entries always brighten my day! You have a supreme sense of humour - "and that my friends, is what you call enabling. Let's just say I walked in the door at 10:30, full with pizza and a broken sandal and grass in my hair." I did a laugh snort in the office, alas it was not a proud moment myself (I'm a recent addition to the firm. Gotta work on my laugh snorts). I wish I could channel some of your dress-challenge-determination. I'm spending all of my salary on Eis Greissler, not running shoes. I do at least RUN to the shop, when I feel the need for ice cream is somewhat urgent. So delighted for you and all that you're doing to improve services and support for your son and others with autism in Vienna. I am an avid baker so I'd be happy to help out with the picnic ('Food Logistics Coordinator'? Although will have to watch out I don't coordinate all the cake into my mouth..) if need be? Particularly glutenfrei or milchfrei or nussfrei muffins for any children/adults with allergies so there's a whole range on offer!

  3. Thank you so much Laura! I love getting praise :) Thank you for your awesome offer, too! I will let you know! I am hoping we have a big turnout but it is always hard to know for sure. Good luck with your new job!!

    1. Aww thank you! And you're welcome! :) Totally understand. I'm going to e-mail you over my contact details via Autism in Vienna page so that you have them (but so the rest of the interwebz doesn't!) lest the whole of Wien decends on picnic (or if quite a number of people are RSVPing) and you could do with some help! Best wishes!


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