Fabric Shopping, A Baby Shower, A Dinner and a Day at the Prater

Hello Sunday evening! I cannot believe how fast this weekend flew by. We finally had fabulous weather and I find that my mood is very dependent on weather. I love stormy days and snowy days, but I have had enough of the cold and we are finally getting the heat. I am looking forward to not shivering every morning as I make my way to work. NO MORE COLD! BRING ON THE HEAT! And the Nair hair removal.

Friday afternoon I left work and headed to a friend's where she was selling beautiful Indian dresses and fabrics. I showed restraint and ended up only buying a dress, sari fabric and a necklace. I am still debating what to make out of the fabric. It is gorgeous and I think it would make an amazing ball dress but I am going to have to practice before I start cutting it up. After my whirlwind shopping trip, I caught the 13A and made my way home. The Kid and I played and he supervised my cupcake baking. I was exhausted and by 9, ready to pass out. The next morning I woke up at 6 and got ready for the baby shower. I cooked, cleaned and around 11 headed to a flower shop near Pilgramgasse. I decided (stupidly), that I would try a bigger chain place thinking it would have more variety and perhaps be cheaper. Again, stupid choice. The woman acted like I had walked into her apartment without knocking going through her drawers being like "You got any snacks?!" I asked for a few different varieties of flowers and when I took about 30 seconds too long to decide, she sighed heavily. I didn't have the energy to say something witty so I just ignored her. She wrapped them up and I brought over two mini rose bushes to the counter and again she sighed. I wanted to be like "Oh, I am so terribly sorry to have to purchase goods in your emporium. How declasse of me." Instead, I just looked at her and sighed loudly back. She just looked at me, unimpressed. Booyah! My sigh wins!

Once I was home, I finished setting the table and cooking and then at 2, it was party time! My friend K.P. is expecting twin girls and I cannot wait to meet them! Baby snuggles!! The Husband was a champ and took the Kid to the park for over three hours and when the Kid came back, he first ignored all the ladies and then snuggled with a couple. Treat em mean, keep em keen. Don't hate the playa, hate the game and so on and so forth. At 5:30, my lovely guests left and I cleaned up quickly, got changed and at 7:30, headed to my favourite der Fuchs und die Trauben. Originally it was planned to have the Therapy Networking Night on Saturday evening but due to some last minute cancellations, I decided to postpone it. The new date is June 9th and it seems that a lot more people will be able to attend which is fantastic! After a taxi ride with a taxi driver asking me "Are you going out to party?" (You might want to get your eyes checked, young grasshopper. I am at least 10 years older than you.) I walked into the familiar and awesome haunt, ordered a pink gin and tonic and enjoyed good conversation and food. At around 10:30, it was time to catch a cab with a friend back to our hood. Originally I had planned to meet a friend for a nightcap but I texted him that I was just too damn tired and by 11:30, I was in bed with a trashy book, barely able to keep my eyes open.

This morning I had the luxury of sleeping in until 8:30. The Kid first woke up at 4 and then fell asleep at 6 again so it was kind of a blessing in disguise. I did put in ear plugs because martyr Mommy I am not. We putzed around in the morning and the Husband went to vote and then to the gym. Just after lunch, we got the Kid dressed, packed too many snacks and made our way to the tram station. The Husband had suggested we try to go to the Prater and to attempt the Lilliputbahn which is a small steam engine that speeds through the Prater forest. I was apprehensive. It has been a long long time since we have attempted a long tram ride and the first time we have done the Lilliputbahn with the Kid. I saw the Husband putting in a small bottle of champagne into the backpack and I was like "What's that for?" and he was like "For you." I told him I would be fine and put it back into the fridge, laughing... kind of dying in the inside, though. At the tram stop we waited for the number 1 tram, told the Kid to get out of his stroller and he happily climbed up the steps. He got the front seat and for 30 minutes, happily looked at the window, looking completely at ease. At our stop we jumped off the tram and walked around the Prater for a little while, enjoying the green. The Kid walked and only once tried to make a run for it which led to me screaming to the Husband "GO AFTER HIM! I CAN'T RUN IN THESE DAMN FLIP FLOPS!" I would totally die the first day on Survivor.

We then decided it was time for the Lilliputbahn. With fear in my heart, we waited on the platform and when the miniature steam engine came into the station, the Kid's face lit up. We got into our seats and he happily sat and waited, while I kept a death grip around his mid-section. A couple minutes later and we were off, chugging through the forest. The Kid loved it! He looked all around him and not once made a peep. He was enthralled. That's when I started to bawl like a Real Housewife. I was so incredibly happy and I just couldn't help myself. The fact that we were doing something as normal as taking the Lilliputbahn was the most amazing thing for me. Oh the ugly crying I did.

We did a full round and when we got off, he was at ease and bounded onto the platform. Since he was in such a great mood, we walked around for about 45 minutes without his stroller and he listened to us as we pointed different paths to take. It was idyllic and just perfectly normal. We headed back to the tram stop and saw that it was about to leave. I grabbed his hand and said "Let's run for it!" and lo and behold, the little bugger ran with me, moving his little legs as fast as he could. And he was running for the tram! The driver saw us and of course took off before we could get on. Thanks, buddy, hope your beer is warm tonight! We sat on the bench and he had a couple of cookies and for 10 minutes just ate and swung his legs until the next tram showed up. The tram ride back was just as tranquil and now we are back home with a very very happy little boy. I cannot described how proud I am of him! It was a huge milestone today and what I hope to been an indicator of a fabulous summer ahead. He has progressed so much this past year and is so much calmer, happier and easier and it makes my heart swell. Not in that bad way that would require medication, though. Now I am currently staring at the screen, waiting for the Austrian presidential election results to come through. It's so close and it is slightly terrifying! Fingers crossed!

The Husband just went to the playground with the Kid for a little bit. We are trying to keep him awake until his bed time and this is the best way to do it. This also gives me a little time to get some yoga in but I am not feeling very zen. I wish you all a fantastic Sunday evening still!


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