Dis and Dat and Austen

Happy Saturday Morning! Summer is here! We made it guys! We did it! We didn't succumb to the winter blues. We kept our flip flops by the front door, our strapless industrial strength bras ready for battle and had our self tanner primed and ready. Big high fives, everybody!

It's been a busy week at work and I am so happy to have made it to Saturday morning. It wasn't an epic week but that's ok. Sometimes I need a somewhat civilized week so that I can save all the crazy for another time. In less than three weeks is the Concordia Ball. I continue to work out as much as I can and this morning I tried on my ball dress. I still have a way to go but I am determined to get into that dress as God is my witness. I also finished a 30 day plank challenge with a friend. I made it to 2 minutes straight a couple of times but I hope that eventually I can do that daily. Since my friend and I love a challenge, we have re-started the plank challenge and now have added a squat challenge and we even recruited a couple more people to join. "We'd like to talk to you today about core strength and good asses." We need name tags and short sleeved white shirts. And so we press on.
This morning I sit smelling like self tanner and wearing curlers in my hair. I'm like a chubby Peggy Bundy. I have a photoshoot this morning with a friend and I am trying to mentally lose 15 pounds as I sit at my laptop. A couple of months ago she posted a great deal for head shots (and every time I mention this to Office Twin he mimics my head exploding) and I thought "You can never have enough head shots." So I signed up. Last year the talented Dina Lee took some great photos of me and they proved incredibly helpful for the Science Ball magazine and for convincing people on Facebook I don't know that I can look ok with the right lighting and angle. You never know when some reality TV show scout might be looking for a short, loud, Jewish girl living in Vienna. You just never know. I am incredibly uncomfortable in front of a camera (and behind a camera) so this should be fun.

After my photoshoot, I will head home and hang with the Kid. He was at the In laws yesterday afternoon and they must have made him do manual labour because he has been asleep for close to 12 hours. Yes, he's fine. Angsty Mommy held a mirror under his nose just a few minutes ago. Around 5:30 I will make my way to the Vienna Würstelstand Fish and Ships event on the Danube. I don't do fish but I do chips and I do outside patios and drinks. Afterwards I will head to the Beaver Brewing Company for some more drinks and maybe some food since I will be in the area. I like to take full advantage of my nights out. Tomorrow we will most likely be taking the Kid to the Prater again since last Sunday was such a success. We might even try to go sans stroller but we will see how that goes. I need to look into retractable leashes.

In other good news, I am going to the Canada Day party at the Official Residence! Two years ago I went since I was invited and I brought the Husband as my plus one. It was surreal to be back there after spending time as a teenager there. This time I wore a real bra and drank wine! It was a hilarious evening where I met a great friend and last year I was bummed not to receive an invite. This year, again, I did not receive an invite and I was more bummed (I'm tired and I can't be assed to think of a better word) but a friend came to the rescue and made me his plus one for the party and I am so so excited! Free wine, lovely garden and tarts with lots of red food dye! Woot! Happy Canada Day!

And before I end this random post, I would like to briefly talk about my Jane Austen phase I am going through. Now, I have always loved Jane Austen ever since I was a pre-teen. But I will never forget the first time I watched Sense and Sensibility with a friend back when I was about 15. I was BLOWN AWAY! Forget Hugh Grant, it was all about Alan Rickman. The voice, the longing and adoring looks, the carrying her through the rain because she's a dumbass who should have brought a little sweater with her. I fell for Austen romance and I fell hard. Then I watched that BBC mini series with Colin Firth and I was pretty much screwed. Romance was all and everything I could think about. Men on horses with big houses. Yup. Witty comebacks and walks through the country side. Yup. Strong and able heroines. Yup. Broody yet kind men. Yup. I wanted my love life to be an Austen novel and I wasn't going to settle for less. Hahahaha. Then real life happened. What is it about Austen that makes me turn back into a mushy, romantic, crying hot mess teenage girl? It's magic! On Wednesday night I watched Sense and Sensibility again and I cried. I was on my step machine and I sobbed and it was EVERYTHING! Now, I am a feminist and there is no way I would ever want to live in the 1800s but that small little part of my brain, tucked way behind the part that wants pizza daily, seems to crave Mr. Darcy and Colonel Brandon and the way they look at their beloved... and ok, their real estate doesn't hurt either. Swoooon.

Anyway, it's time for me to try and fix my self tanner (I missed a couple of spots because of course I did) and to choose what I am going to wear this morning. And no, I will not be having a tipple to "loosen up" because I am a good girl... but what I wouldn't do for a mimosa... Happy Saturday!


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