Thoughts, Observations and Discoveries

This past month has been a little crazy so I haven't had too much time to get offended about things that happen at Billa or on the news... but don't you worry your pretty heads because I have been busy having thoughts, making observations and discovering discoveries so this is kind of a keyword post. Follow me!

The ongoing neverending diet: I have lost a teeny tiny bit of weight. Now let's not get too excited. I am down 7 pounds since New Years but I have probably put on and taken off the same freaking 7 pounds every other week. But hey, down is down and the good news is that I am feeling a lot more that's a plus. Just 30 pounds to go. Now I want a Twix.

The park stink: Ok, so about 6 months ago I started noticing that one part of our park had a stanky stink; almost like dog poop. I was pissed but confused because there really didn't seem to be a source and I also had to wonder about what kind of dog could produce such foulness.This took up a lot of my energy. In the stinky stanky area, I did notice one tree dropping tons of small berry like things and making a mess. I also noticed people spending time to collect these berry like things. These berry like things also caused me to slip often. It wasn't until about a month ago that while I walking by the stinky stanky area, that I overheard something. A grandmother turned to her granddaughter and said "That's a gingko biloba tree. They stink." And then the lightbulb went off. Ohhhh. So that makes sense. Stupid tree. At least it doesn't stink right now.

My autocorrect: I was texting a friend a few weeks ago and we were talking about Passover. I wrote something like "Have a great time in Jewland!" and my phone autocorrected "Jewland" to "Krakow". That's a little disconcerting. My phone is an anti-semite. Fantastic.

The night before the MRI: We were told that the Kid was not allowed to eat after 2 a.m. due to his MRI the next morning. This included milk which is practically his reason to live. We were in the hospital bed, getting ready to fall asleep when the nurse came in to ask if we needed anything while reminding me that he wasn't allowed to to have milk after 2 a.m. I informed her I had set the alarm for 1:30 so I could give him some milk to tide him over. Her eyes widened and she said "That is a great idea!" and she was genuinely impressed. For a moment I thought she was being sarcastic but then I realized that she wasn't. And then it dawned on me that she probably has only dealt with parents like the "unplug the baby" ones (please see my post So What Happened for the reference).

My book: I started it.

There are definitely more things to write about but I am zonked. The Kid is asleep, the kitchen is clean and now it is time for me to crawl into bed and read a little and dream of all the shoes I plan to buy soon for the Spring because it is that time again soon! Woot! Nighty night!


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