The End of Integration - Back to Square One

Well, what a week! I feel like I am on repeat with the nutsness that is my life. At least it is making for amazing book material. I don't like drama. I don't seek it but boy does it find me. I don't know what it is but I always seem to attract the oddities. So, universe, give me a little break here. I want to have a few months of normalness. I don't need whacko child rearing ideas. I don't need to have my heart racing all day everyday and it would be nice to actually have the time to do stuff like, I don't know, crafts. I like to be busy, but on my own terms.

I have to say that even though the past 4 weeks have been crazy crazy, the Husband and I have really seen ourselves change and grow. We have done things we didn't think we would be capable of doing and we did it together, well separately, but together in spirit. The Kid took public transportation ohne stroller without SWAT teams showing up. I discovered patience that I did not know I had. I cooked for 14 mini Gordon Ramsays and I saw the Kid achieve some great milestones. So I feel that even though we won't be continuing with the new daycare, we still won. Look at that positivity. Brought to you by Pinot Grigio.

Another bonus is that since Christmas, I have lost 11 pounds. Three were lost this week due to the vomit-inducing stress and the discovery of non-vaginal birth tantrums (long story). I did not hit the gym this week but I hope that next week I will have my fighting spirit back.

What's our next step? Well, we will head back to our old daycare and see how it goes. The only plus side is that it is familiar to him and there are a couple of women there that he truly truly likes, or, rather, tolerates. We will take it slowly and I will spend more time in the mornings there when dropping him off. We have another therapist appointment on Friday and hopefully things will be clearer as to what we choose to do next. We will be getting the Kid's ears checked by a highly recommended specialist shortly and perhaps this will shed some more light on what is going on in his stubborn mind.

I never ever thought that we would go through this with him at such a young age. For the past year we have had diagnoses thrown at us, judgments made and suggestions suggested and it is exhausting. But I would like to think that through this all, I am a stronger woman and a better mother. We all face trials and tribulations in our lives and in a way, that might just be a good thing. How else will I be able to enjoy our fabulous 2-3 bedroom altbau apartment when we finally get it? Or, how else will I be able to enjoy watching the Kid head off to school in 3 years, confident in his abilities. How else will I be able to enjoy watching my life get better in all aspects if I don't actually have to fight a little. Victory will taste sweet and y'all are invited. I'll have raspberry mojitos and cakepops.

And so, my friends, I wish you a pleasant Friday wherever you are. Cheers!


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