Kid-based and Tova-based Updates

It has been super super busy the past few weeks. We are into week 4 of integration and still not seeing the light. The Husband is on integration duty and it is not going great. The head of the daycare is super nice but I am starting to get worried that we can't start full days with him until he is 13. Today the Husband will talk to her and find out what the next step is and I am a little STRESSED! Fingers crossed. (I just want to get back to our regular schedule with normal peaks of vomit-inducing stress, not 24-hour vomit-inducing stress. Those were the days).

On Friday we met with the child therapist with the Kid. It did not go super well. She was unable to "test" him since he was not cooperative. It's frustrating on so many different levels. I'm not sure how a 3 year old can be tested and yet, is my child the only child in the whole entire universe who doesn't want to sit in a chair and play a memory game?!?! Survey says yes. We are meeting with the therapist in a week and a half again and then she will see what the next step is. I'm really going off the deep end here. Stay tuned.

Yesterday the Husband had the pleasure to partake in the FIELDTRIP OF TERROR! This time they visited another location but the Husband pointed out that this location was muuuuuch farther than the previous one I have been to. There, there, martyr man. It seemed to go alright because when the Husband came home, he didn't have that haunted look I have hosted in the past. He did mention that the Kid refused to sit down on the bus so instead lay down in the middle of the aisle. Awesome.

Tomorrow I have to cook lunch for all the kids at the daycare. I won't lie. I am terrified. I had to order the ingredients last week and everything is organic and healthy and I wonder if I can sneak in a little Mrs. Dash lime powder to liven things up. I think powdered flavoring used at the daycare would be on par with lighting up a cigarette in a maternity ward or doing the Macarena, just doing the Macarena.

On Saturday is my bday party. I need to get in the mood and I will, once things are clearer on the Kid's situation at daycare. I'm a fixer and I'm impatient so this is driving me a little Mr. Bates. God give me strength. Stay tuned for my upcoming post on pear shapes. Happy Hump Day!


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