Proud Parents

On Saturday, the Husband and I attended a summer festival event at the Kid's school. It started in the auditorium and each group performed a song. Our son's group was second to go and we just about lost our ever loving minds. He was up there, standing stock still and we couldn't have been prouder. I was half expecting him to go on a rampage and start knocking over expensive equipment... but perhaps having 200 adults stare at you is reason enough to not move. He was adorable. One thing I noticed is that parents are funny beings. A majority of the ones at the event were pretty stoic but when their kid was up onstage it was like Mick Jagger and Elvis had shown up. There was waving and clapping and full out hysteria. And I get it, I was one of them. I guess there is a sense of pride and overwhelming love that makes us parents act like complete idiots when we see our kids on stage. And I'm still holding out for an agent to approach me for my amazing and talented son. What a stage mom I would be!!

The rest of the weekend was low key with a visit to a playground thrown in. Then last night the Kid got out of the crib but held on to the bars and I think was trying to get back in when I showed up... Ah, isn't he special. Thankfully the rest of the night was quiet and I ended up watching Single White Female. Hot damn that fashion is dated. But that film was my crack as a teenager. It was awesome and that apartment was to die for. I still get the heebie jeebies when I see pictures of Jennifer Jason Leigh.

This morning I hit the gym and luckily everybody behaved as did I and then after dropping the Kid off I did some Zumba. Then I met a couple of friends for lunch and got caught in a little rain. At this moment I am checking out the weather and hoping it clears up! I have a tennis date slowly! What a real housewife (Bravo) day!


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