A Little Pampering

Yesterday was a real OC housewife day. In the morning I hit the gym, woke the Kid up, got him ready for daycare, brought him to daycare, bought groceries and showered because it was already baking out. Then I headed to my gyno appointment but she had messed up the dates but that's ok cause she's super awesome and we totally could be besties if she didn't have to look at my va jay jay every 6 months. After my non appointment, I headed home, had lunch, showered again (really hot out) and then headed to my favourite spa. I had booked the "eye special" which includes eyebrow plucking (not waxing which I didn't realise and it hurt like crazy because she was a sadist in braces), eyebrow dying, eyelash dying and an eye mask. The whole thing costs 25.90 which is a great price!

After my treatment, I headed home and changed and met a friend for a round of tennis. Then we had drinks at the tennisclub and I continued to sweat. It was really really hot out. After, I headed home and followed the Kid around with a fan and then put him to bed, made dinner and then the Husband and I sat in our own sweat watching a German reality show. The day wore me out...

So far today I've shellacked my nails (we'll see how long it lasts), bought a ton of crap for our holiday (diapers, swim diapers, Hot Wheels (bribe), biscuits (bribe), sunscreen in various SPF's, after sun and so on and so on). Going on a holiday with a toddler makes one pack like you're moving to another country. I am not looking forward to the flight but meh, it'll be 2.5 hours of hell and then we'll be in Greece! Woot!

At 4 I have a spray tanning appointment. Last year I went and you can read about it here. This year I decided not to risk being raped so I Googled for another place in Vienna and found one. Based on the pictures, it didn't look like a den of rape so I booked an appointment online. They didn't get back to me after 2 days and of course the 4 missed calls didn't clue me in... stupid is as stupid does. So I finally called back and they confirmed my appointment but told me I had to come in that afternoon to pick up exfoliator. I was like "wow! what a service" until I showed up and they charged me 8 euros for a dime bag of exfoliator. In an hour I will take a shower and scrub down and this 8 euro tablespoon of gunk better take off layers. Stayed tuned to what happens on another spray tanning adventure. I'm just worried that I'm going on a plus 30 degree day and that the spray tan will pool around my ankles. Fingerscrossed I don't schwitz.


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