A Day in the Life of...

Everyday is an adventure for me. Something always happens that is either humiliating, hilarious or destructive.  In university, friends suggested I make a mini series of books called Tova's Adventures... These friends are also the ones who created the The Bad Girl Box on our dorm floor that was for me to sit in whenever I did anything stupid. I sat in there a lot. But more on my stupidity later.

Over the weekend the Kid had a cold. It was still not great on Monday so I kept him home and it was awesome. We played, we watched cartoons and snacked. Tuesday he was doing a lot better but I decided to keep him home one more day just cause I could. When I dropped him off this morning at daycare I told one of the women there that I had actually kept him home to spend time with him and thought "so there. I am a good mother." and then I hated myself for having to even prove my worth. Gah.

This morning I hit the gym and had a great 40 minutes on the crosstrainer. When I'm at the gym, I'm in a fog unless I'm hating people. When I finished, I grabbed the sanitizer bottle and papertowels and headed back to my machine and started cleaning. I looked up and noticed my Kindle and phone wasn't there and was about to yell out "Which of you rat bastards stole my crap!!" and then a woman came up with her own soaked paper towels and I realised I had cleaned her machine instead of mine. She said thank you and I mumbled "Bitte." and wanted to die. What makes the whole thing even stupider is that there are only 3 crosstrainers and I always try to use the same one. I went back to the one I used and wiped it down and I have no doubt this woman thinks I am the cleaning woman. If she asks me for toilet paper in the changing room next time, I'm changing gyms.

Yesterday I decided to check out a mall. I had been to only the front part of it a couple of months ago and this time I was on a mission to buy shellac nail polish. Well, 15 minutes into the mall, I realised this place is HUGE. That is what I texted the Husband, THIS PLACE IS HUGE! I finally found the nail polish place. They did have shellac and I tried to cover my grotty, gross nails with my sweater sleeves in shame as I noticed every customer had talons in glitter and crystals. Once suitably shamed I tried to head back out of the mall. THIS PLACE IS HUGE. I walked around for at least 45 minutes in circles and spied a Cinnabon. Figuring this was my last meal, I ate a mini bun and then called the Husband in tears. He of course couldn't help me but it felt better to say my final good byes. A few minutes after the call, I stumbled outside and found the Ubahn. Yay, me. Stupid, me.

The Husband is now very used to getting panicked calls from me at least once a week. I'll talk about the washing machine issue at another time. And the painting of the toilet seat problem... and.

So that's what's new the last few days. I just finished up a Zumba session. Going to make some soup soon and then try to do my own shellac nails for the very first time. Stay tuned and wish me luck. I really really need it.


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