1 year later and 10,000 Views!

Hey! 10,000 views! Holla! Thanks y'all for reading about my insecurities about my parenting, weight and the ability to wrap things! It has been exactly a year since I started this and I'm still not at my goal of looking like a bronzed goddess with extensions and leopard print shoes, but I've learned and accomplished a lot:

I may not be any thinner because things like stress, work, travel and holidays popped up, but I have learned to eat a lot healthier. Our dinners now often have a vegetable and are not always covered and melted in cheese. Case in point: tonight I am making a veg curry: potatoes, chick peas, onions, carrots and eggplant. On Tuesday I made Tom Kha Gai soup and well, tomorrow I'll make burgers. So close...

I am a lot fitter than I was a year ago. I may not look it, but my endurance has improved. I'm not as winded as I once was when I started hitting the crosstrainer last February. Instead all brain function ceases to exist and I wipe down other people's machines instead.

I am a much happier person. Sure, I go up and down, but for the most part, I feel more confidence in myself as a parent. Early Spring was a rough time; daycare issues, them suggesting I work too much and ergo ignore my one and only child, visiting a child therapist and of course, a hurtful comment on my blog. But now, after some time, I know I am a good mother and I just happen to have a very loud yet very normal two year old and that's cool, man.

I gave to charity. In February I heard about a little girl in Canada who has been fighting cancer. I sent her a little gift and when I got the pictures of her with the gifts, I knew then that there are bigger things out there to complain about. It spurred me to create the charity event that took place a couple of weeks ago and to be honest, my heart feels happy. And so, I will keep on giving and so should all of us. There's a lot of crap in the world, but if we can make at least one person's day, that's good enough for me.

Wonderful experiences. In the past year I've been to Canada, on a holiday with the Kid and the Husband, stayed at a couple of hotels (Bristol being the awesomest of all!!), flown to Berlin, saw Bon Jovi, met Margaret Cho (she now has a stalker fan for life), continued writing for the Austrian Times, worked a great job, had an amazing Christmas, been to parties, celebrated the Kid turning two and some lots of time off to self tan. It's been a good year, really and in two weeks we're setting off to Greece! Woot woot!

I've gotten pretty good at self tanning.

And so, I say thank you dear readers of this random blog. It's been fun. And I will still continue on with my goal because there is so much more to do and experience. There is never a deadline for self improvement. Stay tuned for more exciting stories and about my new nemesis at the gym, the pre-pubescent receptionist. I'm watching you.


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