Ups and Downs and Dis and Dat

Apologies for not writing sooner. It has been a busy few days! But as of tomorrow afternoon, my long weekend starts! Huzzah! Hurray! Friday I have the whole day off and for the first time in a very very long time, I have not made plans until the evening. The plan in the evening is the Concordia Ball and that is kind of a big plan. Last time I had a day off, I had something like 5 appointments and I spent the day running around like a mad woman. Not this Friday, my friends. No, I plan to lie on the sofa, watch Murder She Wrote and maybe even take a nap. I will probably go for a massage in the afternoon and then at 5 I have a very talented make up artist coming by. At 7 I am meeting friends for dinner at a French restaurant called Variation Bistro and I CANNOT WAIT! After dinner, we will cross the street and enter the fabulous neo-Gothic City Hall to get our Cuban on. Speaking of which, the last couple of days I have been listening to the Buena Vista Social Club album. I had this album years ago and I adored it and listening to it again gets me all ready to hit the dance floor and dance badly.

Tomorrow the Husband and I have a meeting with the Kid's therapist and then I will work a half day. Originally I had an important meeting but unfortunately it was cancelled so instead I will meet a friend and we may or may not have a picnic and then, after, I am meeting a friend at the Beaver Brewing Company. In other news, on Monday I took a very difficult examination. One that cannot be studied for. One that has a 25% pass rate. I did not like those odds. But I ended up passing and I am happy about that and I should celebrate a little... And also thank the multiple choice Gods and their gospel of "When in doubt, choose C". Monday night was spent at home, watching football and working out. Tuesday morning the Kid woke up at 4 (again) and talked to himself for a good 2 hours until he fell asleep again. Of course I was unable to fall back asleep and I felt like weeping. 3 coffees later, I headed to work for a short day.

In the afternoon, the Husband and I had a very important meeting regarding the Kid's future at school. For the past 18 months, a very important person has been dodging us. I pretty much gave up hope last year after my fundraiser which lead to a subsequent donation which was met with a simple "Thank you": because obviously somebody does not understand bribes. I was excited to finally get face to face with the Wizard. The meeting did not go well. I can't go too much into detail but let's just say that this is reason number 839493 why I am going rogue and starting my own center. There seems to be a lot of misinformation and a lot of shadiness going on. My concerns of snobbery were also confirmed. I'm going to be very vague here.... The Wizard did not know me before, did not know my background, and after I dropped a couple of "hints" (and usually I love this, but not in this situation), we were treated suddenly very very well. Now, I am a snob. I freely admit that. But autism CANNOT be a class thing! Ever! I was ticked by the end of the meeting. Really really ticked. We did learn one thing that is invaluable and I will share it here in case parents of children with special needs who live in Austria read this (and I will post this on the Autism in Vienna page): you as a parent have the right to refuse to send your child to a special needs school. Your child has the right to be integrated in a "regular" school. Do not sign ANYTHING until you know for sure that your child is getting the option you want for your child. So there's that. After the meeting, I met up with a friend and her husband and drank a glass of wine and restrained myself from throwing it against the wall. Then, I met another friend for a drink before we headed to a concert. I have written about Mosaique before and last night was another great night! They are going on a summer hiatus but on September 12th, they are having a swing night so I will definitely go to that. Last night also featured portraits by Dina Lee and they were fabulous. At the end of the evening, I headed home and enjoyed the summer night. I love walking through the city on summer nights. There is just something about it... the chance to see a chandelier through an open window, hearing the cheers from sports fans, or even catching classical music coming from courtyards. Vienna is pretty magical this time of the year.

Last night the Kid actually slept the WHOLE NIGHT! HIGH FIVES EVERYBODY! It was monsoon-like outside this morning and of course, as keeping with Vienna weather tradition, it is now bright and sunny. I brought the Kid to kindergarten and then went to work. I took a longer lunch because I had a lunch date with an old buddy from University of Toronto. He's in town for a conference and it has been a long long time since we've seen each other. We met at Cafe Englaender, ate Schnitzel and caught up. It was really nice and now I am full and trying not to fall asleep. Tonight the Husband is out so I have the TV to myself. Not sure what I am going to watch but I know that there is a face mask in my future and a date with some self tanner. Which most likely will end up a big old mess. Thank goodness for maxi dresses and cardigans! I wish you all a fantastic evening!


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