Fantastic Picnic!

It's done! We did it! Autism in Vienna's first picnic and it was, in my opinion, a success! I won't lie... I was a bit of nervous mess this morning. The weather looked dicey and the forecast was calling for a storm and flash floods. And I was 95% sure that we would have to postpone. By 9:45 the weather looked stable so I made the executive decision to go ahead with the picnic.

I was not only nervous because of the weather but also because I am actually a bit of an internal introvert. Now, I know that seems insane if you have met me and my 10 piece band that follows me around. I am loud, I am outgoing, I will make inappropriate comments... but when it is something that involves me being an adult... I can be a little bit shy. Also, since this was an event I planned, I had a lot invested in it emotionally. It's amazing how 25 years later, you can bring up those childhood memories; those fears of no one showing up to your birthday party, being stood up or losing your Brownie sock suspenders (and I know who took those, bitch. I will never get over that! My outfit was not complete!). Just past 11, we had our first family arrive and they had brought two more families with them. They were all super lovely and then about 20 minutes later, a mother with her son who was about 11 came as well. Some friends came by which was really really lovely. Having support like that is incredible! The Kid ran around and was as happy as could be. The park is his hood, his West Wing, his war room. At one point, I noticed a couple with a newborn child and a son about the Kid's age walking towards us. They were introduced by one of the dads that had come at the beginning. Turns out that this couple are refugees from Afghanistan, had read the Facebook post and came, but were too intimidated to come up because of their lack of German. Luckily the aforementioned dad spoke Persian and was able to convince them to join us. My heart exploded. There are good people EVERYWHERE!

I talked to the mom a little bit in English. She told me her son was recently diagnosed and that they have to wait 6 months to a year for therapy and even then, it won't be what they probably really need. I told the mom I would send her some links because she hadn't been told anything about autism. I also want to see if I can get some type of subsidized therapy for their son. Even just an hour a week to start. So if there is a therapist out there, looking to get some good juju, drop me a line. Once the center is set up, I would like to have fundraisers annually so that we can help out families like the one I met today. I cannot even imagine what it is like to be displaced and then to deal with a child with special needs. No, we have to help them out!

Around 2:30, most people had left and at that point the Kid had a slight meltdown. To be fair, he had been running around for 3 and a half hours. The Husband took him home and I cleaned up and then headed home. We gave the Kid a bath and now he is watching cartoons and I am mainlining coffee because I am meeting a friend for a quick drink in a couple of hours and then I have to work out. I am exhausted but in that feel good way exhausted. Based on today's success, I will be having these picnics monthly throughout the summer. The picnic today showed me that I need to continue this and it motivates me to work harder! Tomorrow is Monday and the start of a busy work week. Office Twin has been off sick and last week I wrote him.

Me: How are you feeling? You are missed. Kind of.
Office Twin: Still pretty sick. Doctor signed me off.
Me: Well, you better come back soon because the other people in the office are tired of hearing me talk about myself.
Office Twin: Well, if that doesn't motivate me!
Me: Right?!?! You are such a good friend.

Heh. On Tuesday afternoon I am meeting a friend for beers at the Beaver Brewing Company and on Thursday will be the first Therapy Network Evening at Rundbar. I am really looking forward to this and most likely I will be a nervous wreck just before the event because that's meeeee! I wish you all a fantastic Sunday! I hope your week ahead will be fabulous and fantastic! Happy Sunday!


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