Another Episode of "What is Wrong With Me??!"

Well hello there! How is it going? Welcome to the funhouse. Before I delve into the topic of me with the thesis title of "What is Wrong With Me?!?" I want to talk a little bit about the Kid and a little bit about dis and dat. Currently the Kid is running around in circles. I said to the Husband "He is WIRED today." and the Husband just shrugged. Then about 20 minutes later he said "He drank some of your coffee." to which I responded with "WHAT?!? Did he spit it out?" and he said "I think he actually liked it." to which I said "You didn't see the correlation between the coffee drinking and the fact that I have to peel him off the ceiling?!" to which I received another shrug. Ugh.

The Kid has been great (not counting this afternoon. Never counting this afternoon)! On Tuesday, a lovely therapist came by to meet the Kid and our psychology student. She suggested we work on sign language with him. The three words we are focusing on are "Open", "More" and "Come". Which is pretty much how people would probably describe their sex life. BOOM! I'M HERE ALL NIGHT, FOLKS! We are using the signs as much as we can and the Kid is ignoring us as much as he can. On Thursday afternoon was the kindergarten Summer Fest. I was able to leave work early for the event. When the Husband and I showed up, the Kid was crying because he had had a nap and when he awoke, there were about a bazillion more people around. I took him into one of the empty classrooms and held him until he was better. Then we headed out into the garden. The kids were already sitting on the grass, doing a performance and funny enough, the Kid pushed his way through the crowd of parents and found a teacher's lap. It looked like he was lip syncing and he totally kicked Britney's ass when it comes to pretend singing. After the songs, the children were released to go batshit crazy and I followed the Kid around to make sure he wouldn't steal cake. He was not amused with my presence.

After a couple of hours, it was time to head home and the Nanny showed up so that the Husband and I could spend some alone time out. We headed to Wien Museum at Karlsplatz. I haven't been in years and I forgot how interesting it is. Also, in the past few years, I would have chosen "drinking on a patio" over "museum" and yet look at how I have matured. There is currently a Prater exhibit which is, wait for the descriptive word that took a lot of thought, NEATO. We walked up the stairs and checked out the Stephansplatz exhibit. They have original statues and stain glass and it's... it's.. NEATO! On the second floor is art. Lots of art. Did I ever mention that my major was art history? No? Obviously I didn't finish. I was blown away by a few paintings and I wanted to take a few paintings home but Thomas Crown I am not. (LOVE THAT FILM (the Brosnan one because the music is epic))

One painting that blew me away was this one. I was all obnoxious and said to the Husband "Klimt" in an incredibly condescending way as we walked up to it. And then I walked up to the sign and oops, not Klimt. But definitely Klimt-like? Yes? No? This is by Max Kurzweil, by the way...

Anyway, I love this painting and love the yellow dress and it was about .02 seconds later that I started thinking "Hmm. Maybe a yellow dress would be great for the ball. I mean, the red dress still doesn't zip up all the way and it is a summer ball and yellow is such a summer colour...." GAH! Stupid brain. This is so typical of me. I'm so busy and then I decide to make myself even busier and I know it will all work out in the end but instead of, oh, I don't know, just sitting still and watching some TV, I give myself another project. The more I thought about the yellow dress, the more determined I became to make a yellow dress. So this morning, I took out my Komolka gift certificates and made my way into town. I looked at different fabrics and then settled on a kind of yellow stretchy satin that was affordable. It's quite thin so I bought some black stretchy material so that I can make a kind of tube dress to wear underneath. The funny thing is that I have had this dress in my head for almost a year. When I watched Mission Impossible, the woman in it (who kicked ass on so many levels) wore a yellow dress and I have been obsessed with it ever since. Here she is doing what I will not be doing at the ball. Why would you not wear different earrings?

I have just under two weeks to make it but I think I should be fine considering I take too many short cuts anyway. A couture piece this will not be. Now I have to re-think my hair and make up and accessories! Oh, what a difficult life I lead. Speaking of deadlines, I am supposed to have my business plan done by this Wednesday. The problem is is that these next two weeks at work are going to be crazy and I fear I won't have it done in time so I am pushing back my meeting with my finance coach. I am comfortable with this decision because pulling all nighters is the last thing I need. Unless all nighters involve reality TV and good wine and company. Speaking of good company, last night was another crazy Vienna random night. Nothing really went to plan. I was supposed to go to an event but it started raining and then my internal voice told me I would probably end up doing something dumb like make an inappropriate joke to some stranger who would end being a person who cannot take an inappropriate joke. I texted a couple of people last minute but it was too last minute so I then decided to use some of my free time to read a book and walk around before meeting a frien. Once it stopped raining, it ended up being a spectacular evening. I met a buddy for a little while and then texted a friend about having a nightcap. Nightcap now means "End up somewhere completely random."

I headed to Kreisky Bar and it was my first time there. Met some friends and then we headed to Museumsquartier to meet other friends. We went to Aloha Bar and I greeted some people I had met the weekend before (ref: ended up at a random house party). We ordered some drinks and then someone said "Who wants to play boules?" and of course, being up for pretty much anything at any time yelled "Me! Hey, you, watch my purse, please!" I stepped onto the boules sand pit thingy in my wedged platform heels, half assed listened to the instructions and made "ball" jokes. I'm 12. I did not win but I earned the nickname "Matilde". At first I thought this was sweet, until the giver of the nickname continued with "Matilde, a famous tank." Thanks. Thanks a lot. Glad that I remind someone of a rolling tin box. Fantastic. Now I am going to go and eat my feelings. After boules, we sat in MQ, drinking beer and talking and laughing. It was a wonderful way to start the weekend. Of course I am tired from lack of sleep but otherwise, I'm faring well... as a fatty mcfat fat tank. GAH! Tomorrow is the Autism in Vienna picnic. I'm still waiting to see if the weather will hold. Fingers crossed! Otherwise this weekend will be spent throwing out anything grey that I own (tank grey), starting my new ball dress and of course working out. And here is what I plan to do at the ball if they don't serve gin and tonics. Such a great dress.

Happy Saturday!


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