See you in a Week, Canada

Deepest apologies for not writing for over a week. It has been a crazy week and I have barely had time to catch up on celebrity gossip and that is criminal. Last week I went to the opera, had a craptastic meeting at the daycare, and took another test at work. Thursday night I was supposed to work later but luckily that didn't happen so a friend, Office Twin and I decided to have cocktails and dinner in the 1st. We left work just before 6 and stopped at Pickwicks since we had a couple of hours until our dinner reservation at 8. It was happy hour. We had mojitos. We had too many mojitos. And then we walked through the city to the fabulous Da Capo for wine and pizza and lots and lots of laughs. The fact that we weren't asked to be quiet is a testament to the lovely staff at Da Capo... or perhaps, since they are Italian, thought we were charming. We weren't. After an amazing dinner, we walked back through the city and tried to out-trivia each other... well, Office Twin and I battled. I would say I won. Because I did.

The next day I went to work and in the afternoon, rushed home for a couple of hours of alone time since the Kid was at the In laws. I had plans to git stuff done... but I didn't. Instead I watched Pretty Little Liars on the sofa and dozed and felt incredibly guilty about it. I will never change. By the way, Pretty Little Liars would have been my ultimate favourite show EVER as a teenager. I totally would have dressed like Lucy Hale if Hot Topic had existed in Moscow. Sigh. Teenager shows are THE BEST!

Saturday I hung out with the Kid and worked on the Beacon Beach House business plan. I have been procrastinating for weeks. It was crunch time. I put on my thinking cap (sparkly tiara) and worked through it slowly. Tomorrow is my finance meeting to go through it and I am almost done. I have calculated sales projections, cash flows and income based on different occupancy rates. I've come up with cunning plans to get money and none of them involve me getting nekkid. Amazing. Fingers crossed the guy tomorrow doesn't look at my 20 page report and say "You are delusional." Once I get the seal of approval (oh please oh please), the Husband will translate it and then, once I am back from Canada, I will start spamming ministries and companies and pretty much anyone who has money to burn.

On Saturday afternoon, I met my friend G.G. and we headed to a friend's bbq out in Hütteldorf. Being city girls, we opted for a taxi after reaching the end line of the U4. It was 35 degrees out and my self tanner was in danger of streaking. We showed up around 5:30 and walked up to a house. We opened the door and walked in. We weren't sure if we were in the right place and had our doubts when we walked into the backyard and many kids were running around and people just stared at us in silence. I was about to say "Have you found Jesus?" but luckily we spotted our host and we knew we were in the right place. It was a lovely evening with sausages, sekt and a slight breeze. We met some new people and by 8, we were ready to head back to the city to watch the football match  (read: drink more wine). We stopped at Vita e Bella, ordered some red wine and watched a bachelorette party from the sidelines. This was a big affair. The bride, in a yellow dress, dangerously close to suffering a wardrobe malfunction, danced with some of her friends, while other friends looked ticked to be sitting in an overheated wine bar, listening to Enrique Iglesias. Turns out, the bride had already had a civil ceremony the week before and this was her Vienna bachelorette party and then in August she was having another one in her hometown and then after that, having the church wedding finally. Summer of the Bride. No wonder half her friends seemed to hate her. I am totally projecting right now.

G.G. and I sang along to Dolly Parton, fanned ourselves in the heat and talked about her birthday in September. My God I hope she does what she was thinking about doing because it will be EPIC! Around 11 we were wined out and hawt and we said good night and I walked back home in the warm summer night. Just as I walked into the apartment, the wind kicked up and then the storm hit and it was a perfect end to a great evening. Sunday the Kid was in a bit of a mood so we spent most of the day at home... which was fine by us because football was on and I couldn't be assed to put on a bra. Monday was a normal day at work and in the afternoon, I met a therapist who had expressed interest in the center. It was a nice talk and I am buoyed by the fact that not only are parents interested, but specialists too. Tuesday morning was an early start and I had plans Tuesday afternoon. Unfortunately they fell through but I was able to make some last minute plans. I met a friend at a bar near her work for a couple of Hugos. We caught up as fast as we could before she had to head to a meeting. At 5:30 I headed to the Beaver Brewing Company for dinner and met my friend H.B. We had a couple of hours to catch up and then I headed home to work out and pass out. It was one of those great random Vienna evenings that I love so very much. Speaking of Vienna evenings, tomorrow I am going to the Canadian Ambassador's residence for a Canada Day celebration. A friend was kind enough to make me his date for the evening and I plan to behave... maybe. A group of friends will be there and I have no doubt we will have a blast. I attended the Canada Day party two years ago and it.was.amazing. Actually, the party was fine... we.were.amazing.

I should slowly end this post. The Kid is in bed and I am about to work out. After that I have to work on my business plan, fix an article I wrote and then crawl into bed and read a trashy romance novel about pirates. Perfection. Before I sign off, I am excited to say that in exactly one week from today, I will be heading to TORONTO! I haven't been to Canada in 4 years and I haven't been back to Toronto in over 9 years. I am ABSOLUTELY SO INCREDIBLY EXCITED! I booked 4 nights by myself at the Fairmont Royal York (partner hotel of the Plaza and yes, treat yoself) and here is a little trip down memory lane. Back when I was 17 and cute, I was living in Moscow. Between my Junior and Senior year of high school, my parents sent me to Toronto to check out the University of Toronto to see if it would be a good fit. My sister lived in Toronto at the time and the plan was for me to stay with her for a few days. My flight arrived in Montreal and I caught a train to Toronto. I arrived around 8 in the evening and walked out of Union Station. I was blown away by the skyscrapers and the people and the taxis. I was hooked. I looked across the street and saw the Royal York Hotel and I promised myself that one day I would stay there... and well... that dream is coming true next week. That trip to Toronto in 1998 was incredible. I remember my sister picking me up that evening. She wore a suit and we drove to the Beaches where she had a cute bachelor apartment. She was Amanda Woodward from Melrose Place, she was living the life I assumed every 20 something year old had and I couldn't wait to start my life in Toronto a year later.

But fate is funny and I did not end up in a marketing firm in Toronto, wearing short skirts and worrying if a deranged doctor would blow up my apartment building. No, now I am living in Vienna. I love living here and I can't imagine living anywhere else. But Toronto will always be special to me. 9 years ago, when I was last in Toronto, my life was so very different. So much has changed. I have a beautiful son and my life is taking a route I never ever thought it would take. I have changed and for the better. These past couple of years has made me stronger, a little harder, sometimes cynical and yet more optimistic and maybe even a little bit kinder. I see life as a wonderful gift and even though there are days I wish I could stay in bed forever, I know how lucky I am to live the life I live. Autism has changed my life forever and I am actually grateful for that. The struggles I, and the Husband, have gone through have been the most difficult thing we have experienced but one thing is for sure... I wouldn't change a thing. So maybe staying at the Royal York, the hotel palace I dreamed of staying in almost 20 years ago, is the right way to celebrate all that has happened. And, yes, ok, I am a snob. I wish you all a fantastic evening and I promise to not let another week go by without a post. Toodles!


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