Dis and Dat

The sun has risen and I am exhausted because the apple of my eye has decided to act like a deranged spider monkey. At 3:30 in the morning, I heard him talking/singing to himself. We have no idea what he is saying/singing but I am sure it is something like "I am awake. Talking to myself. It's so daaaarkkk in here. I am going to run across my room a bazillion tiiiimees!!! CAUSE I AM AWWAAAAKKKKKEEEE!" I kicked the covers off and made my way to his room. Scary mommy was not happy and as soon as I pushed open the door he froze in mid run.

He knew he had been busted and he ran back to his bed. "Go.to.sleep." I threatened in scary mommy voice. The voice that sends a million men diving for cover. I do not have a face that launched a thousand ships, but rather a voice and "the look" that could sink a dozen. He crawled under the blankets and I walked back to bed. 10 minutes later, "I AM AWAAAKEE! SITTING IN MY ROOOM! ALL BY MYSELF!!!" (again, he doesn't speak but he has this high pitched language... and at 3:30 in the morning it drives me up the wall and where is the aspirin?) I shoved ear plugs in but to no avail. He started walking around again and singing. Now, if our downstairs neighbour didn't sleep directly under the Kid's room, I would probably just let it go...but I don't need her to one day lose her shit and throw a Molotov cocktail through our window so once again I kicked off the sheets and headed to his room. 

"GO TO SLEEP!" And he ran back to his bed. This went on about 4 more times. I finally just crawled into bed with him. He finally fell asleep around 6 and I crawled back to my bed and got another hour of sleep in. Sob. He woke up again just after 8 and I got him dressed and ready for kindergarten. It will be a long day at work and then I will go home, work out and try to work on my ball dress. And catch up on my celebrity gossip. The rest of the week I have some plans but nothing like end up at a random house party or learn how to play bocce kind of evening. Tomorrow night is the Autism in Vienna Therapy Networking Evening. About 6 people are coming; super qualified therapists with years of experience and I am really excited to create a strong network of experts. Originally I was hosting this event at Rundbar in the 6th. I wrote them close to two weeks ago and they wrote back almost immediately and even said "If the weather is nice, we can save a table outside for you!" I was pleasantly surprised and wrote back "That would be wonderful! Thank you!" And then, of course, on Monday night, I got an e-mail asking me to push back the reservation by an hour.

I was not amused. Luckily I was able to get a reservation at the Beaver Brewing Company. Obviously this has recently become my second home and I fear I might be hanging out there a little too much.  I might have to wean myself off the craft beer a little. Too much Tova is never a good thing. Too much Tova and craft beer... could lead to over the top Tova and nobody wants that. I become a combination of Zsa Zsa Gabor and the Fonz. For reals. Speaking of. nothing.. here is a funny Vienna story. Just across the street from the Beaver Brewing Company is an apartment building. And what is interesting about this apartment building is that there is a tree growing out of a window!! Apparently Hundertwasser put that tree in there as an art installation and now the building has to replace it every few years when it dies. Ultimate trolling Mr. Hundertwasser. Hats off to you, good sir! Hats off!

Besides the Therapy Networking Evening tomorrow, on Friday afternoon I will head to the Esterhazy street festival. I will probably get there around 4 and stay for a couple of hours. I went last year and had a great time so don't let me down, street fest, don't let me down. On Saturday I am going on a walking tour for an article I am writing. I am looking forward to that and I am sure I will learn something new and I love learning something new. For example, I just found out yesterday that the theme of the Concordia Ball is not Spain but rather Cuba and now I am quietly putting away my castanetas and unlearning the tango. And yes I know the difference between Spain and Cuba but obviously I jump to conclusions. But yay to Cuba Libres! I cannot wait! On Sunday is Father's Day and I think I will take the Kid out for a long long walk as a gift to the Husband. I need to spend most of the weekend sewing my dress: the pressure is on! Fingers crossed. And before I end this random post, probably filled with errors due to exhaustion, I want to talk about flirting and love and dating. I am working on a longer blog post on the side because the last few weeks, I seem to be having lots and lots of conversations about the topic of love with lots of different people. Dating seems to have changed dramatically in the last 15 years. 15 years ago was my last date so that's why I chose 15 years as an indicator. Did I use that term correctly? Who knows. Anyway, I am wondering if people have become cynical about love. Or if, as we age, love is not the same mythical magical thing we used to think it was. That heart pounding, soul scorching I would just die if I didn't spend every single second with that person thing. Does that change? Is it now all apps and hooking up? Sure, I have heard lovely stories from friends meeting their loved ones in different ways... but have the rules changed?  

I don't want to type too much about this topic in this post... I am just thinking out loud. Also, as women, do we have to follow the Rules still? Do we have to not say what we are really thinking? Do we have to play the cool girl (thank you Gone Girl for that reference)? I never did because I have no filter and I was cute in my late teens (I hit my late twenties and I melted like that guy in Roger Rabbit). I also wonder if maybe due to my constant asking of questions and ability to drink beer makes people wonder if I am flirting? I'm not. I just like people and I like to find out about people because people can be cool. But since I have no idea what modern day dating looks like, maybe I am acting like Jennifer Jason Leigh a la Single White Female? And how does one know if someone is flirting with you nowadays? I don't think anybody has really flirted with me in years unless they have an ulterior motive... like getting fries off my plate. Ugh. So many questions. So stay tuned for that post and if you have any stories about dating in 2016, drop me a line. I want to know more because I like to learn new things. Did you know that blowing your nose in public is considered rude in Cuba? Amazing! Happy Wednesday and please please please let me get a good night's sleep tonight!


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