Vegan Cupcakes and a Story of Oreos

I have made these cupcakes a couple of times and they are pretty amazing. I am in no way shape or form a vegan but a friend has a dairy allergy so being the giver that I am, I found these. Holy crapola you would have no idea hippies would come up with something so delicious. I made the buttercream frosting with crushed Oreos (and yes, Oreos are vegan). Here you go, you are welcome.

I love Oreos which is surprising after Oreo-Gate of the mid 90's, During the war, the family and friends took a boat trip along the coast. It was cheaper during war time. Anyway, someone brought Oreos and I attacked the box. I am not sure how many I consumed but needless to say I ended up having to lie down for the rest of the day. With the boat a rockin and me in a sugar coma, the Oreos had to come out. I didn't have the strength to pull myself up and ended up throwing up while on my back. My parents came into my room and said "Blackface is racist, kiddo". They still bring up the Oreo story on holidays, their darling daughter's face covered in black Oreo vomit. Bless.


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