My Wish List for Christmas 2017

Well hello Friday! FINALLY! It's been a bit of a busy week and we are coming up to the last weekend before Christmas. CRAZY! I still have a little bit of shopping to do but otherwise I am done! Hurray! Of course, I am nervously awaiting some gifts being mailed but I have faith in ye olde postal service. I am also incredibly naive. This weekend is going to be another crazy one filled with Christmas joy. Tonight I am going to a Bulgarian restaurant for a friend's birthday. I don't think I have ever had Bulgarian food but based on the menu online, there seems to be a lot of meat and I will be fine. Tomorrow morning is the Santa event at Hard Rock Cafe for kids with special needs. It should be pretty amazing and I am so happy that we could do this again this year. I did, however, on Wednesday night have had a bit of break down due to a last minute cancellation. I cannot go into details but I did not sleep most of the night and the word "vengeance" may or may not have flitted through my little brain. I hate to be cryptic but I have to be. Of course, if we meet in person, I will totes tell you the story. But luckily the event was saved by someone and all is good in the world again and peace on Earth and holy crap do I need to take a nap.

Before the drama I did have a lovely evening. I did not end up at Cafe Francais as originally planned. My friend was unable to meet for dinner so I decided I would head to Pizza Riva instead. I actually very much enjoy eating alone. I read something, or listen to a podcast and it is all so very nice. I don't care if someone gives me a pitying look because hey, I don't have to share my food ooorrr make stupid conversation where I don't know what I am talking about "Balzac once stated.. blah blah blah." Anyway, I had a lovely pizza and some Chianti and then I made my way to the Votivkirche. I met my friend outside and we entered the absolutely beautiful and oft-ignored cathedral... and no, I did not catch on fire when I entered. We took a bench and oohed and aahed and took pictures. The choir from Newfoundland came down the aisle and on the sides and both my friend and I started to cry. The church is chilly but they had heat lamps and some weird bench butt warmers and (I mentioned this on Facebook) I believe they may or may not have given me a yeast infection. Hey-o. It was a beautiful concert and I lost it at Mendelsohn and then right at the end they sang Stille Nacht and I snotty cried. Perfection. After that, we headed out into the night in search of wine. We ended up at Kolin which I don't know why I don't go there more often. We had some wine, talked and it was all very festive and lovely. And I can now scratch another challenge off my 24 days of Christmas list.

Last night I wrapped presents and sang carols and drank eggnog (Christmas has been saved, I found eggnog). And this morning it was definitely a struggle to get out of bed due to the sugar crash. As I mentioned before, I am out for dinner tonight, tomorrow morning is the Santa event and tomorrow afternoon I will be heading to the 1st district for a punsch get together for the Science Ball. I will get there around 5, try to not drink too much heated alcohol and then I am heading to a friend's for a Christmas party. Sunday I will hopefully bake and try not to give into another Day of Shame. So that is the plan for the next couple of days and now let's get to my wish list! ALL ABOUT ME ME ME!

Tova's Wish List 2017

Now, to be honest, my priorities and wants have dramatically changed over the last couple of years. I would have cut someone for Chanel in the past but now I have definitely chilled. Office Twin thinks it has to do with the fact that he talks about Marxism and it has rubbed off on me. I told him to shut it and go and stand in a bread line. Anyway, this is just a fun fun list of things but to be honest, I don't really need most of this stuff but it's fun to write a letter to Santa.

Dear Santa,

I want:

A new sparkly Swarovksi pen. I am obsessed with these pens. They are so sparkly.

Yoga wear because 2018 will be more about zen and inner peace. (hahahahaha)

New pjs as I can never have enough pjs.

A pretty notebook for notes.

A life size cutout of Danny Devito (I posted that on Facebook and it is amazing) (I don't really need this)

A metal stamping kit. I want to stamp stuff to make jewelry because future merch.

An Ikea gift certificate because I want to redo the closet. This will be a big 2018 goal.

Anything sparkly or pink or both sparkly and pink.

Otherwise, that's all I can think of. I have enough so I don't really need much more (WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME?!). But there is one thing I have asked for the last couple of years and something I will keep asking for. Please let my little boy continue to be happy. May he feel safe and loved and maybe one day speak again. That would be the best Christmas present.

So thanks Santa, see you on Christmas Eve. I'll have snacks.

Merry Christmas,


P.S. If you could also find me a location somewhere in the 4th or 5th district, approximately 100 square meters with a garden for the Beacon Beach House and ideally cost nothing, that would be amazing, too.


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