Another Not My Reunion Reunion

So hello July! Hello Monday! Hello world! Yesterday was a day of pain but it was my own damn fault. I guess after a week of being on my own with the Kid, it was inevitable I would act like an Amish kid on Rumspringa once the Husband got back. Saturday morning I went on my first run in weeks and it felt amazing. The rest of the day I did some laundry and then at 4:30, I headed out to a not my reunion reunion. There is a back story to this theme: 2 years ago, the class of 95 celebrated their 20 year high school reunion in Vienna. I ended up joining on a couple of nights. The first night I had to repeatedly say "I wasn't in your class!" every time somebody would look at me in confusion. It was a really fun weekend and I met some really lovely people during that time who are now friends. This weekend was the reunion of the class of 1997 and I already knew a couple of friends who were attending... as well as some Facebook friends. I was the class of 99 but I left in 1997 to move to Moscow... where I had an amazing time. I definitely made friends during my time in Vienna, but the first couple of years were definitely rough. I didn't even get to go to a ball. I jest. But moving back to Vienna in 2004, made me truly appreciate the city so much more. And wine taverns. Props to those as well.

When I saw that this reunion (a 4 day affair) had a stop at Fuerhgassl Huber (a wine tavern in the vineyards), I knew I had to go. When my parents and I first moved to Vienna in the 90s, they quickly discovered the magic that is a heuriger. I, being 12 and not yet well acquainted with alcohol, thought they were incredibly boring. And the idea that I had to go up and choose my food and have it weighed.. no bueno. Of course, now I absolutely adore them and I don't go as nearly as often as I should. Perhaps my liver thanks me for this. So on Saturday afternoon, I headed out into the sun and made my way to the old hood up in the hills. I arrived at 5:20 and walked into the beautiful garden. It is on a slope and up at the top are the grapes that make that fine fine wine. I couldn't recognize anybody that I knew so I decided to stand outside the place and try and look like I blend.

Shortly afterwards, a friend showed up and we walked into the garden and up to the top of the hill. Several tables had been reserved and I introduced myself to some people and said "I wasn't in your class! You don't have to remember me!" and then we ordered wine. When you order wine at a heuriger, you have a couple of choices. Number one, you can order a glass of wine from the bottle. This is pricier and the waitress will probably hate you if you drink quickly (there be a lot of steps). The other option is to say "Liter, liter." This means a liter of Schank wine (barrel wine) and a liter of water (sparkling or still. Go for sparkling). You are supposed to mix these two in your glass or you will end up in the vineyards, face down, praying for a quick death. Don't try and be a hero, kids. You can also order dishes directly from the waitress or you can go to the buffet and try and give yourself gout. So, immediately our table was packed with liters of wine and water and then the party started. I got to meet some really incredibly lovely people. A couple I already knew from Facebook and it was great to confirm that they are just as lovely as in real life. At one point, a bunch of balloons were released at the restaurant next door and we realized that a wedding was happening. One wedding tradition in Austria is to write a message on a card (that has their address already on it) for the happy couple, attach it to a balloon, and then if people find the card, they mail it back. This is lovely. And one should probably do this at the beginning of the wedding before the heavy drinking because someone named Tova might write "Pre-Nup COUPON!" or something similarly idiotic and completely inappropriate.

The funny coincidence is that a friend of mine was attending the wedding next door and he saw my post on Instagram and dropped by to say hello. After chatting for a couple of minutes he headed back and I laughed at how small Vienna is. The evening continued and there were also some adorable kids in attendance. Now, I think people need to sometimes take a lesson from toddlers. There will be a fight. There will be tears, and then a rooster will walk by and hysterical laughter will ensue and the conflict is put to bed. This is how it should be. People shouldn't hold grudges... (looking at you Suzie. You stole my Brownie socks in the second grade. You are dead to me.). Cough. Anyway. The sun set and it got chillier but we kept the party going. By 10 we were down to about 25 people and I don't even want to know how much wine had been ordered. At some point earlier in the night I was asked for 15 euros. Then I paid another 15 euros a few hours later. If I spent only 30 euros on the many hours I spent there and on the many glasses of spritzer I consumed, well, that is my kind of deal! By midnight the waitress was ready to kick us out so we got up from our benches and walked down the steps. I am amazed at my lower body strength, by the way. The next stop was a place called Lukas (which I will get to in a minute) and I crawled into an Uber with a couple of friends. We pulled up in the first district and walked into the bar. Now, Lukas is the diviest dive bar that ever did dive but the funny thing is that the servers there have always been a delight... maybe because I am in my 30s and not 13, counting out coins to pay for a vodka and Red Bull. We all piled into the small bar and grabbed a set of tables and chairs and I ordered a spritzer and ended up talking to some new people. I was charming, I am sure. One guy said "I don't remember you from high school!" and this time I said "I didn't turn slutty until I left." Yup, I am a classy lady.

At one point a tray with shots showed up and I may or may not have had one. It had blood orange juice. That is vitamin C, health first, kids. By 2 it was time for me to head home. Two of my friends were heading home and they live in the same district so we walked home together (or they walked me because late night). It was probably a life saver that I got some exercise and fresh air. I got home, washed my face and crawled into bed and read a little.. with one eye open and focusing with all its might. I fell asleep soon after, with a smile on my face. It was a crazy night and a fun night and would I go back in time? No. I like my life and yes I struggle daily with my son and autism, but I wouldn't trade it for the world. I love that so many people from my past have popped up and that I can say with complete confidence: they all still rock. And the new people I met were all pretty amazing. I think that a 20 year school reunion is far superior to a 10 year one. People have found themselves, have established something and most likely have experienced heartbreak and life changing moments. In short, people are less self involved and definitely more interesting. I am looking forward to my two reunions in a couple of years. I am on Facebook already so nobody should be surprised at my weight gain. Cough. Anyway. So, class of 1997, thanks! Twas a fantastic evening! While I am probably still recovering from Saturday night, I definitely feel better today. It is going to be a not so busy week: save for drinks at Sekt Comptoir on Wednesday evening, a meeting on Thursday with a special needs organization (we are going to collaborate) and on Friday I will be helping a friend pack and by helping I mean telling her to stop being distracted. I am a good friend. Also, don't forget: the sensory friendly screening of Life Animated at the Filmcasino will be happening on Sunday! I wish you all a fab Monday! Toodles!


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