Christmas is Over, New Year Ahead

A million apologies for taking so long to update this blog. I've been fermenting. The 3 days leading up to Christmas were madness: shopping, drinking too much, eating too much and a sick kid. I also found a new career prospect: rent me out for your small office parties. I will make sure to ask your boss inappropriate questions and act like I am the opening act of a large-scale concert. Oh the shame. And I will never talk about that again. Moving on. The Kid stayed home on Friday. He had a bit of an upset stomach and he also seemed to have finally figured out that Mommy really really needed a morning at home alone. He's smart... devious... but smart. On Saturday morning, I woke up with a blasted cold. We went to the In laws for Christmas Eve and had some fantastic Syrian food and then I skyped with my family back in Ottawa at night. On Sunday we had German Oven Pancakes for breakfast and cheese fondue for dinner and there were presents and I got some great stuff! The Kid of course went crazy over his new much bigger than expected tent. I had planned to bring it to his room after it was set up but I don't see that happening any time soon.

Yesterday I made some Dim Sum (steamed some frozen Dim Sum because I am oh so tired) and a friend came over for brunch. We had some wine and exchanged gifts and she made an incredibly generous contribution to the Beacon Beach House. We had Mozart Torte and we lay down on the sofas and chatted. After she left, the heart palpitations started and I had to lie down again. So that brings us to today. Although I am still a little stuffed up, I feel a lot better! I almost wrote butter which would be true as well... Which is good because I need to get a lot of things done these next few days. While I have been making jewelry and giving myself carpal tunnel syndrome, I need to up my production stat. As I mentioned in an earlier post, I will also be selling homemade jewelry to raise funds for the center at the fundraiser and if you want to see the pieces, check out my Instagram. Once I have my website and the Verein account set up, I will be able to sell them online which is exciting! And terrifying! And of course, one bullet point on my to-do list today is "Set up bank account". Since this is Austria, it of course is a little more complicated. I have to send multiple scans of multiple things to a special Verein bank department where they will then look over my multiple scans of multiple things and then let me know when I can come and sign the papers. This is one aspect of the Verein I dislike immensely and this is where an intern would be fantastic. For that, and to pour me wine and put a straw in the glass because carpal tunnel...

Also on the schedule today is for me to post a couple more prizes for the fundraiser. I have been spacing out the prize posts and in a couple of weeks, I will post the whole list. There are over 30 prizes to be won and I cannot believe how generous people have been. It is absolutely mind blowing. Now I just need people to show up on January 18th at the Beaver Brewing Company. Otherwise, this will be the saddest fundraiser ever.

Today also marks the start of a 30 day vegan challenge I am putting myself on. Yes, yes, roll your eyes, but right now I think I am comprised of about 5 per cent water and 95 per cent gruyere. I am done. Donezo. I need to clean out my system a little and in the past, when I have focused on plant-based meals, I am a lot less mean... and bloated. Also, I am going to do a little session of at-home yoga today. Sure, I could say it is for the meditative benefits but really, I got a new yoga mat for Christmas and it matches my nail polish. Namaste. I still have over a week of holiday left and I plan to use it wisely: run a little, yoga a little, cook a little, make jewelry a lotta, and of course, try to watch Point Break and Tequila Sunrise and Ladies of London. Quality viewing, my friends. The Kid is currently back in his tent and since it is a blustery (90 km/h winds, how is that even possible?!?) day, we will be staying in so that means I have to entertain him as much as possible... I love our TV. I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas/Hanukkah! I can honestly say that this was the most chill Christmas I have had in years... to be fair, last year I booked a last minute ticket to New York on Christmas Day after watching Home Alone 2 because I was ticked off. But I am happy to say that there will be no jetsetting this holiday season. I'll save that for my birthday or Easter! Have a fantabulous day and I promise to blog more frequently.. and of course, stay tuned for my New Year's Recap and Resolutions! Happy Tuesday!


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