A Special Saturday and a Special Event Ahead

Hey y'all! I truly thought things would calm down after our big movie afternoon on Saturday but that was dumb of me. Never ever assume that things will slow down because BAM! suddenly things will be chaotic again... But don't worry, I'm not complaining. Good stress makes me super efficient... sure I have chest pains but that's normal right?!

It is Monday night and I am back at home and cozy as cozy can be. I am listening to Frank Sinatra's Christmas CD and I feel like making myself an eggnog martini and giving up my feminist ways... well, not really. But the martini would be awesome. The Kid is running around and keeps running into his room and closing his door. He started this last week and it makes me laugh and laugh. He's 5 going on 15 and I am waiting to find nudey magazines. We aren't sure what he is doing in there and the other day I found myself knocking first which is ridiculous. I PAY THE BILLS! Anyway, we are incredibly proud of the Kid. I was a bit of a nervous wreck before we made our way to Film Casino. One reason for the shakes was that I wasn't sure how many people would actually show up and the other reason was not knowing how the Kid would react to a movie. We left home just after 1 and walked down to Margaretenstrasse. He was great and babbled but when we got to the front entrance of the movie theater he yelled "NEEEIIIINNNN!!" and refused to go in. Well, shit.

The Husband took him for a walk around the block and I went into the theater to set up. I act like I actually had anything to set up.. like draw the cartoon or something. No, I just helped figure out the lighting and the sound level and then I stood at the front, hoping the Kid would actually walk in through the front doors. When the Husband and the Kid came back, the Kid spied me inside and walked in. I bribed him with chocolate and within 5 minutes he was running around the theater, happy as a kid can be... which is pretty happy because kids are awesome at that. Shortly thereafter people started to show up and I was so happy to see some friends with their kids there too. The film started, we had about 42 people in attendance and the Kid managed to sit still for about 15 minutes which is kind of a record. Then he took off and made several laps around the theater... but you know what? It didn't matter. I teared up because finally we could have a movie afternoon. The other kids were all amazing and when I looked around, you could see that parents were completely relaxed. This was the whole point of the movie afternoon: a safe place for families. And I would say it was a complete success. Well, until the Kid had a little meltdown halfway through the film and the Husband had to take him home. But I didn't care because the Kid was amazing and I was proud.

The film was Totoro and apparently when you say to people Totoro they all go "TOTORO?!?! OH I LOVE THAT FILM!" So since it was a cartoon and people seemed to love it, I didn't really look up the plot. Turns out it is about two little girls living in the Japanese countryside who befriend a giant ghost cat. Well, their mother is in Tokyo in a hospital and while I didn't get to focus too much on the film because I was chasing my spawn, I found the music and animation lovely. About 15 minutes before the end, I headed to the lobby to wait for people for when they would exit. When it ended, a friend and her family walked out and she said "Wow, that was kind of dark." to which I responded with "DID THE MOM DIE?!?! Oh my GOD!!" and she was like "No, just was kind of a dark film but still good." Oh thank God. I could just imagine the headlines "Stupid mom shows tragic Japanese cartoon to children with autism" It seemed like everybody was happy and I felt a huge amount of relief that it was over. It was a great first try and the best news is that the manager of the Film Casino has given me a discount so I won't be in debt! Hooray!

So yes, totally happy and will think about doing another one in a couple of moths! And, now, in other news, on Friday I received a message from a woman I met briefly last year. She works at Hardrock Cafe and wanted my opinion on a Santa meet and greet and before she could sign her name to the PM I wrote back "WHAT ABOUT A SANTA SESSION FOR KIDS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS?!?!" She wrote back a few minutes later and said "My general manager and I LOVE THE IDEA!" and boom! The wheels were set in motion. Today I received confirmation that it will happen on December 17th at 9:30 and it is open to all children with special needs. Another friend told me she had a Santa and now I have a Santa and it is all coming together! I need your help to spread the word and to tell the Hardrock Cafe that they absolutely rock (heh) for doing this. They are going above and beyond and it was all I could do to not Ebeneezer Scrooge at the end of the Muppet Christmas Carol (the best version. Michael Caine. Yes, I'd tap that. Shut up.) and run up and down the hallways at work yelling "IT'S CHRISTMAS!"

It is such a dream come true! The last few days have been pretty amazing. I crashed a friend's duvet day on Sunday morning so she could make me pancakes and then in the afternoon, the Kid and I snuggled and watched a Christmas cartoon. Aaaaand, Austria voted Alexander Van der Bellen as its new president which means Austria is pretty cool, guys. So I am going to keep riding this high for as long as I can. It is going to be a busy week: tomorrow I am stopping by the Hardrock Cafe to go over details, on Thursday is a friend's going away dinner (she doesn't know that she isn't allowed to leave Vienna), on Friday is a friend's birthday party and on Saturday I am going to a Christmas get together and then later meeting a couple of friends at Kleinod for a couple of cocktails to celebrate my dear friend D.K.'s birthday and then afterwards we are coming back to my place for baked zitti and Christmas films. Yaaasss. Perfect few days ahead!! So I wish you all a fantastic evening and where is my damn martini?! Happy Monday!


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