Hey There November, I Have Plans for You!

Well, it is November 1st. I can't believe that October is already vorbei. Last night for Halloween, I headed to the Golden Harp with a dear friend for drinks and dinner. Originally we had planned to go to an expat event but the thought of donning my wig again and making an effort to talk to people after a long week seemed daunting. A chilled night was just what the doctor ordered and apropos, discovering summer spritzers a couple of years ago was a godsend. A summer spritzer is pretty much a small amount of wine in a pint glass while the rest is filled with soda water. It hydrates you and also makes sure you don't inadvertantly put yourself into a coma after a long night out. Even though I didn't get to bed until after 1 a.m., because yes, I had to roll my eyes hard at Kim Kardashian's Halloween costume, I felt fine this morning. It also helped that I slept in until 8 which is like noon for normal people.

The morning was idyllic even though I had a ton of laundry to tackle and it is always a challenge with the Kid around because he likes to "help" by throwing everything out of the basket and then proceeds to make "snow angels" on a pile of socks. May God have mercy on his future life partner.

It was a public holiday today - All Souls - so that meant that every damn shop was closed which meant I had to fill my time with crafts. Or that was the initial plan. Little parenting tip: glue guns, glitter, toddlers. Guess which one is the weakest link? I mean, guess which one is the weakest link... after me. What was I thinking?!?

Later in the afternoon we decided to take a walk a famille to the new train station. The Kid was mesmerized by the elevators and the lights and the Husband and I both discovered some new restaurants and then remarked how incredibly sad we have become when we started doing the jumping clap when we spied a Burger King.

We walked around for about 20 minutes and then headed back to the park with an incredibly whiny kid in a stroller. Based on his mood swings today, a small part of me hopes that he is coming down with a manageable and non-communicable cold that causes him no discomfort whatsoever because if this is a phase, I might just very well forget the summer spritzers and go right for the full strength ones. He was a DIVA on her period while Mercury is in retrograde and belly shirts come back as a fashion staple. Ugh. I respect that... grudgingly.

Anyway, the day was actually quite pleasant once the Kid got back home and played with his Duplo. We had takeout, watched some Dora and then I read him some more Jen Lancaster (please hurry and write another great book - I've already read him 4) and now here I am in my jammies, enjoying the candlelight and my mug o' chai.

Now that it is November, I have to start and gear up for the next big show: Jewish Christmas - Go Goy or Go Home! is my motto and we are going to whoop it up this year. I'm working with a completely different background so I have to re-think the decorations. We won't start decorating until December 1st but that doesn't stop me from prepping and secretly listening to Michael Buble's Christmas album. November is also the month I finish all my Christmas shopping. I hope to be completely done in two weeks which will make me feel a lot more prepared. I am also very excited to have come up with our Christmas card idea for this year. It's going to be a picture and it is going to EPIC! I cannot wait! If you want one, pm me or e-mail me (tmspatz@gmail.com) your address and I will send you a card in December. I will of course send out another reminder at the beginning of December. If you sent me your addy last year - apologies, I probably don't have it. My book of names got lost in the move so I need them again. Sowwy!

And now it is time for me to firmly plant my ass in the sofa and troll Pinterest for some Christmas craft ideas and also write my thesis titled "How to convince the Husband that we need a bigger and better white fake Christmas tree because our current fake white Christmas tree looks like it needs a sammich and some heels". Wish me luck!!!


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