Feminism, a Ball Dress and Food Poisoning


As promised before, I wanted to focus a little on feminism in this post. And everything I wanted to say has been summed up by so many incredible writers and bloggers these past few days. I have always been a feminist and I was also lucky enough to not experience much prejudice growing up. A funny thing happened when I became a mother, though. Suddenly I was asked "Is your husband babysitting tonight?" and "Aren't you lucky to have a man who lets you go out so much!" I suddenly went from independent woman to apparently sole provider of my child even though there was another competent person in my child's life who had just as little experience and skills as I did when it came to raising a child. Heh. But to be honest, this was a mild annoyance, nothing compared to what other people go through. I know that I am privileged (had a hard time spelling that one): I am white, I grew up in a lavish lifestyle, and I sometimes feel sorry for myself that I can't afford a Chanel purse at this point. I do have my struggles: living far from my family and having a child with special needs. But I am truly truly lucky to have everything I do have and I can't ever forget that and/or stop being grateful. The Women's March was an important step in solidarity but there is so much more we have to do. To steal a quote because it is a fantastic quote "Privilege is when you think something is not a problem because it's not a problem to you personally". This pretty much sums it up. Keep being loud. Keep fighting for rights. Be a feminist and be proud and help your sisters! Being a feminist is not being anti-man. I have amazing men in my life and some don't even know that they are in my life #stalking. Be supportive, listen to others (this is very important) and do all that you can do to make sure you pull others up. I would be a hypocrite if I expect people to be accepting and fight for special needs support and awareness and then turn around and not support others in their struggles. Listen. Be aware. Make waves. We are women, hear us roar.

I could go on and on but I am just repeating what millions of women have been saying and what we all should continue to say.. but I do urge you to read up on women's rights and feminism. And don't forget to listen to others. Listen to their stories and do your best to be an ally. We are a global community of incredible people, let's act this way. Ugh. I am getting riled up. Sorry, I am just so mad. Actually, I am not sorry. That's my first mistake. We need to work together and make sure that the next generation of our "daughters" won't have to be in fear. Let's go! (I love this gif, sorry. No! I AM NOT SORRY!)

Now that I got that off my chest (more will be getting off my chest for many more years, don't worry.), let's talk about the time I accidentally poisoned my husband. So Tuesday was our 13 year wedding anniversary. Since it was a Tuesday and we were both tired, and romance takes a lot of work after over a decade of marriage, we decided on an early dinner at one of our favourite places: Shanghai Tan. I absolutely love the decor: it has an opium den vibe but without the terrible drug addiction, lack of sanitation and human desperation. I should go into marketing. I ordered a Cosmopolitan and a vegan meal and I urged the Husband to have the seafood combi. I don't like seafood. I don't like fish. But I said to him "Get the seafood combi! You will love it!" and he agreed and ordered it. After a nice meal, we headed home and then the Husband spent most of the night, praying to the porcelain gods. Totes my bad. He is fine now and I guess that will be the last time he listens to me. "Try the fugu, I heard it is to die for!" Sorry! Speaking of veganism, I did it! I did my 30 day challenge! I am amazed that I did it and to be honest, it wasn't that hard. Sure, I could have cut a person for some gouda but I persevered. Today I am actually going to have pizza and the reunion is going to be beautiful.

Speaking of cheese. Look at this blog post, so many great segues. Cheeeese. This morning I brought the Kid to kindergarten and an incredible thing happened... a little boy came up to the Kid and hugged him and brought him over to a buffet of cheese. He then whispered "It's cheese day." It was so adorable and so sweet and that child totally made my day. This is a testament to how awesome kids can be and I want to thank parents who teach their kids kindness and acceptance. Totes made my day. And I cannot believe that there was a cheese buffet at the Kid's kindergarten? What kind of hipster Pinterest madness is this?! Tax dollars at work and I do not mean this in a bad way because CHEESE! Anyway, that was a great way to start the day! After work today I will be catching up with a friend who is back in town and then I am heading to a photoshoot where I will be incredibly uncomfortable. I am not a natural, I am not a ham, I do not like this one bit. But the lovely photographer said it will be fine and I want to say "I am your Everest." I will be drinking wine though.

On Saturday is the Science Ball and I made the very idiotic decision to try and make a ball dress because why not add more to my plate! I made the idiotic decision on Monday afternoon at work and then I went home and set up my machine and about 10 minutes into sewing, it stopped working and kill me now. So I decided to 1600's it and sew it by hand. Well, I am about half way done but I fear, and I hate to admit this, that I won't be done by Saturday night. Ugh. Failure! But, there are two more events next week so maybe I can finish it up by then! A for effort, a huge F for completion. Ugh, I hate myself right now. But no matter what, I learned a valuable lesson.. I am even more batshit crazy than I thought. So there is a lot of cheese to be consumed and a lot of self loathing to wallow in so I better run. Please remind me to write about the highlarious conversation I overheard the other day: 2 men talking about an upcoming ball. Amazing. I wish you all a fantastic afternoon and stay tuned for stories on stalking, picture taking and of course, the craziness that will no doubt be happening at the Science Ball on Saturday. I am like a magnet for inappropriate situations. Maybe not magnet... more like instigator. Happy Thursday!


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