At Home Spa Sundays

Sunday evenings are sacred in our home. As of about 4 we are shut in and ain't going nowhere. It is a great way to get ready for the week ahead. I usually finish up laundry, vacuum, clean the kitchen and plan out my outfits for the week. And most recently, I have re-started my at home spa Sundays. Once the Kid is in bed, it's Mommy-time.

I run a bath, fill it with bath salts. Then I dry brush, exfoliate my face, use those Nivea strips to pull out gunk from my skin. Then I apply an aspirin facial, sit in the tub and read magazines, shave my hairy knees (I have like 4 hairs on each leg, I kid you not, except for my knees. Those be Chia Pets). Then I add a layer of face cream, use body cream and then do a teeth whitening (at home recipe coming soon). And then I have a cup of tea and crawl into bed and pretend to be asleep when the Husband tries to hold my hand. Blissful budget spa Sundays.


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