What to Expect with Microdermabrasion

As promised, I will write about my experience with Microdermabrasion. The whole process was called Reviderm Super Peel which kind of sound like an awesome slip and slide (note to dear friend with the garden house... this year you need to buy a slip and slide. I'll cater. Mexican food and margaritas. Get on it). Anyway, I booked an appointment for my bday and looked forward to it like a spoiled Jewish kid on Christmas.

The spa is at my gyno's office which is funny and probably sounds a little inappropriate. Carpe Diem, my friends. The whole procedure lasted about 45 minutes and the chair was padded by an amazing goose down duvet and sounds of exotic instruments played softly in the background. I think I heard some whale calls mixed in. And who in the hell thought whale calls is relaxing. All I can think about is that film Deep Water and I get heart palpitations and I will never ever watch that film. I digress.

The cosmetician started by analyzing my skin. Small pores and redness. Thanks skin. She suggested a laser treatment in the future to remove the redness (sharks with laser beams attached to their heads - see, back to sharks and even an Austin Powers reference, I'm on fire). I said maybe (not bloody likely) and she proceeded with the procedure. She cleaned my face thoroughly. Rubbed it down with what I think was Jaegermeister. Then the microdermabrasion started. It does not hurt at all. The sensation is kind of like rubbing your face with gritty sand and with what I can only imagine was a tiny brush thing. That lasted for about 10 minutes and I was tempted to look and see if I turned out like John Travolta in Face Off - looking like Nicholas Cage. What is with the 90's Movie references?!?

After she brushed off the fine sand/crystals/dried turtle placenta, she added cream with a warm rubber attachment finger thing to rub it in. Then she added more cream and then voila, I was done. My skin was red and slimy and walked out feeling like the Elephat Man. After a few hours, the redness subsided and to be honest, I noticed a slight change. My skin was smoother and I looked fresher. I'm not sure about the long term effects. I asked her how often one should do the Microdermabrasion and she suggested every 6 weeks (120 Euros a pop). Ha ha, a cosmetician with a sense of humour.

I will definitely do it again because I get a kick out of my face being sanded down, but I think it will not be for another 6 months. And I am still finding fine sand/crystals/dried turtle placenta behind my ears. I'm a sexy beast.


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