Well Hello There

Hiya folks. I am back from the edge of dying bronchitis. Last week I was feeling really lethargic and not quite myself and then by Thursday "BAM!", it hit me. I thought I had a cold and therefore told myself to man up and get myself some Dayquil. I had things to do. Saturday we went to a ball and a lot of it is a blur but I do believe I had a very very good time. Our table companians were fun to talk to and my dress did up, win! On Sunday was the birthday party for the Kid and that too my friends is one big blurry memory. There were kids, there was food, there were friends and there were presents but I can't really tell you much more than that. I knew something was wrong when I couldn't even take more than a couple of sips of a Bloody Mary. Monday I called in sick and figured I would sleep this cold off but by Tuesday I had turned into a Walking Dead character croaking out "Where's the goddamn Vicks Vaporub?!" I knew it was time to face my biggest fear; public doctor waiting room. It turned out to better than expected. I was put on antibiotics and pain killers that actually worked and now several days later, I seem to be coming out of my fog.

Taking a week off work is not easy for me but it flew by surprisingly fast. One, because I was actually sick and slept a large majority of the days and two, because a dear friend suggested I check out Happy Endings.

Well, well, well. I had seen Happy Endings in snippets, in German, at 3 a.m. but this time I watched it from the sofa and in English. This show is absolutely brilliant and makes my love of How I Met Your Mother seem like a middle school crush. It is laugh out loud funny and well, I really relate to one of the characters, Jane. She's anal, and organised and has a love of Vision Boards. I heart her.

Watching this show has snapped me out of a fog I feel like I have been in since December. Maybe it has been the weather (the snow has been insane this year and made wearing a heels a bitch), the post Christmas blues (I really truly love Christmas), or general malaise... But oh my friends, I am back with a vengeance and all this free time with just me as company has spurred me to get back on track. Serious weight loss, finding the perfect blonde shade, blogging, working on my novel, doing awesome at my job and getting my charity event off the ground is all in the cards. Let's go Tova, let's go! Clap clap clap!

P.S. Keep May 26th free... We will be having a fun fun time!


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