A Great and Mellow Bday!

My birthday was yesterday and all in all it was great! My parents came for the weekend which was wonderful and I got tons of clothes and I got a Michael Kors purse. Squeal! I love it! I will wear it all the time! Here is a picture of it. I love you.

On Monday I had microdermabrasion which I will write about in the next couple of days. Then I spent a couple of hours trying to make a ball dress upon which I then said "Screw it!" and went out and bought one. It doesn't do up all the way but I figure 4-5 days of high protein and some Spanx and I should be a ok. Right? Right.

After the dress purchasing, I met a friend for a quick afternoon drink and received another charm for my Pandora bracelet.. Highlarious meaning behind it! Won't go into details here.

Then I headed home to spend time with the Kid, bathe him, read to him and watch some Umi Zoomi and then it was time for him to go to bed. I made pizza for the Husband and me and drank some more wine. And then I got my gifts! First I opened some lingerie to which I may or may not have responded "haha. You wish". Then I received tickets to the musical for Legally Blonde which just made me so so so happy! I cannot wait! Elle Woods 4 eva. And then I got a purse that I had spied in the window months ago. It is red fake patent leather and it is adorable. And then I got a cute black and red cocktail dress. The Husband did very very well. I shall remain married to him for another year.

And now the next few days will be filled with no alcohol, hard workouts and eggs and lean meats. Oh, and I will hate everything and everyone.


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